According to the planners, in order for a village like Seend to be a successful community, it requires four specified organisations:- a school, a church, a pub and a shop. According to a recent report in a local newspaper, the post offices and shops remaining in villages in Wiltshire are closing down at the rate of one a month. So, why are they closing?
A village grocery and general goods store is not viable without its sub-post office and the sub-post office cannot be viable without the store.
There has been a major problem developing since the Government Agencies took advantage of BACS, the Banker’s Automated Clearing Services, which is a computerised system. For those with bank accounts it became a simplified method of distributing pensions and benefits. To people without bank accounts and who wanted to stay with their local post office, the Agencies introduced a complicated and difficult system and as a result, many people gave up.
As far as is known, there were no Government studies into the overall and economic effects of the computerised system. How many jobs have been lost perhaps putting people out of work and having to claim benefit? How many extra vehicle journeys have been incurred with the attendant congestion and emissions?
The effect upon Seend Shop has been significant and hard. Some 50% of the Post Office work has been lost. The problems compound because people who previously collected pensions and other benefits made other purchases at the same time. These people no longer call and the lack of this trade has been devastating. Over the last two years the volume of shop trade has fallen by two thirds.
Small shops clearly cannot compete with high levels of service and the price structures offered by the supermarkets. They can, and do, stock many thousands of different lines compared with the limited lines in a village shop. Their buying power with their many product offers is good for the customers but beyond to financial limits of a small shop.
On the other hand, Seend Shop does offer some very fine products and for instance, their boiled hams and cheddar cheese really have to be tasted. The Post Office offers cash back as well as cash and cheque deposits with their partner banks. Also, having to travel to nearby towns can be a disadvantage. Car parking can be a problem, sometimes even in the supermarkets’ own car parks. Motoring is not cheap and petrol is a big consideration. We tend to think of buying petrol in litres but measure fuel consumption in miles per gallon. At a little over four and a half litres to the gallon, petrol is now at £4.00 a gallon and is due to go up by nearly 5p a gallon later this year. The Chancellor’s latest budget will see a duty increase of over 1p a litre. Depending upon many factors such as the size of the car, how it is maintained and driven, a ten mile return trip can cost around £4.00.
An interesting comment. According to previous newspaper and Internet reports, villages with a shop may find house prices valued more highly than villages without shops.
When shops have closed there have been reports of people trying to provide a community shop run by volunteers. No doubt some have been successful but it is a difficult and demanding task and reliant mainly on volunteers. It also means that somebody has to accept responsibility for debt repayments.
The thought of having to travel beyond the village for a paper, a stamp or the smallest requirement is disturbing. Please give support to Melanie and Richard before it is too late. In the picture on the cover, the sign clearly indicates that the shop is open. Does anybody really want to see it closed?
Come along and hear how things are progressing in our quest for Seend Shuttle III, as well as having a chance to comment on the services offered by the existing Shuttle – and enjoy a chat over a cuppa. The AGM is at 7.30p.m. on Tuesday, 24th May in the Pavilion. Everyone is welcome, especially drivers and passengers. If you need transport to get to the meeting, please ring Pete on 828757.
A personal profile.
In its February issue the Spotlight asked for ideas for articles that might make the magazine more interesting or knowledgeable to readers. One suggestion that from time to time, we featured local people who have made major contributions to our local communities. The idea was put to a number of people, all of whom supported the proposal. It was thought that while people who maybe new to the locality and aware of the existence of the many organisations and facilities that exist, will not know how these facilities came about or how they keep going.
Having arrived at this point, who do we feature? The name of Stanley Heavisides was the most favoured for the first presentation.
Stanley hails from Sunderland and prior to the 1939 war came south to Southampton where he started his teacher training course at King Alfred’s College. It was in Southampton that he met his future wife, Flora. The war intervened and Stanley joined the Royal Air Force, and then spent a long time in the Middle East. One of his passions in life is Rugby Union and as a player of considerable skill and courage, he represented the R.A.F. in inter-service matches.
After a considerable length of time he returned to the U.K. and married Flora. He took up a teaching position in Southampton and started his life long career in educating and developing children. He maintained his rugby playing for Southampton Trojans. A subsequent post took him to Doncaster where he also found himself as team secretary for the Doncaster Rugby Club.
It was 1967 when he arrived in Seend to work as Headmaster where he stayed until he retired in 1980 with his interest in the care and education of children remaining undiminished. His desire to improve his beloved school for the benefit of his pupils was a never ending task and his fund raising efforts provided many fun filled events for local people. These included children v. parents at games of rounders and football. There will be many affectionate memories of the “Heavisides Hops” in the W.I. Hall where attendees danced to the music of Wally Dunn and were nicely fed by Molly Maslem. There were school plays and the swimming pool. After Stanley had raised sufficient money the pool was built by a team of seven local men and not long after its completion, Stanley was able to announce that every child in his school could swim. Aided by two full time teachers, he and his colleagues produced pupils whose academic abilities and behavioural standards were a credit to the school and the village. He set and achieved high standards and he was proud of the quality of the children’s handwriting Many children went on to achieve good degrees and other qualifications and to achieve good positions in the good wide world. These children, many now married with children of their own, still regard Stanley with great affection and still refer to him as “Sir”.
He served as a Parish Councillor and as a member of the Parochial Church Council. He was invited to join the committee of the Bath Rugby Club. He also spent many years working for the Seend Lye Recreation Field where he was Honorary Secretary for twenty years. Together with his great friend, the late John Hutchinson, and a number of equal stalwarts they created the Seend Lye Recreation Field with its many affiliated activities. Commonly known as the Lye Field, this magnificent asset is now held in perpetuity by the Village.
As anybody who has held similar voluntary positions will know, the holders find themselves tackling whatever job arises, be it administrative or manual. Stanley was always to the fore whenever such work arose. As ever, he is still ever always willing to help. These brief notes leave out far more than they can ever contain.
John S. Smallshaw.
Mrs. May Ferris would like to thank all kind neighbours and friends for their
kind thoughts and messages of sympathy on the death of Norman. She would particularly
like to thank Jo and Colin Waldeck for all their kindness and support during
this difficult time.
£600 was donated in Norman’s memory and will be given to charities.
Sadly ‘Stan’ died on 15th March after some years of poor health. But many people of Seend will remember him as the Policeman of the Village from 1962 until 1972. He had very happy memories of that time with his wife Bernie and daughters Carol, Jane and Sarah.
After leaving the Village he returned to Salisbury and was a publican for a few years, he then rejoined the Police Service as Coroners Officer up until his retirement.
Stan will be so missed by family and friends; but his memory will live on as he was a very special man.
On being checked out of hospital, the Doctor said “I’ve seen your X-Ray and your chest is clear, your heart is O.K. Your blood pressure and your pulse are up a bit, and I saw your brain scan and there is nothing there….!!!
Betty Brett.
Mrs. Gladys Gibson wishes to thank her many kind neighbours for messages, cards and good wishes whilst in hospital. Gladys is now back at home and feeling much better.
It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Norman Ferris who died on Friday, 11th March, 2005 at home here in Seend.
Norman was an old Associate Member of our Branch and will be remembered for
his splendid support of the Poppy Appeal and who, together with his wife May,
has been the most active of collectors over many years.
We extend our deepest sympathy to May and her family. Norman will be much missed
around the village and by his many friends.
On the 8th May, 1945 at 0001 hours the war in Europe came to an end.
A National Day of Thanksgiving to mark the end of V.E. and V.J. days will be
held on Sunday, 10th July, 2005. There is to be a National Day of Thanksgiving.
Don’t forget that on Saturday, 14th May, commencing at 7.30p.m. in the Social Club, “The DS BIG BAND” will play music from the ’40s and ’50s made famous by such as Glen Miller, Artie Shaw, Joe Loss, Duke Ellington, Tommy Dorsey and others, which did so much to bolster morale throughout and after the difficult war years. The Band, consisting of 18 musicians and accompanying vocalists, is one of the finest of the Big Bands and has recently received great acclaim when they appeared at the Theatre Royal in Bath. They will play between 8.00p.m. and 10.45p.m. and there will be an interval of approximately 45 minutes during which time supper will be served.
Tickets at £10 per head can be obtained from The Social Club, The Post Office, Peter Fisher (828305), Nigel Knocker (828609), Anthony Hodgkinson (828545) or Roger Brand (828830).
Please earmark this date in your diary and give it your support, whether you are a member of the Royal British Legion or not. A dancing area will be available for those who wish to “trip the light fantastic” and we hope that at least 100 people will attend to celebrate this historic anniversary.
Having exercised our brains at the thoroughly enjoyable quiz evening last month, we are now preparing to gently exercise our legs with a spring stroll through bluebell woods on Thursday, 28th April, followed by refreshment at a local village inn. Let’s hope the weather is kind to us or we may be heading straight to the pub!
Please Note: the date for our May meeting is Friday the 20th, when we are planning to attend an evening of jazz in Devizes.
Also, tickets for the safari dinner at Stourhead on Saturday 18th June are now sold out.
For more information or details of our programme for the year, please telephone Geraldine on 828664.
THE MOTHERS’ UNION – Wednesday, 25th May – 7.30p.m. In Keevil Village Hall.
We cordially invite you to our Annual Fund Raiser for the Children’s Society with guest speaker Sue Davis from B.B.C, Wiltshire Radio. With Supper and Raffle. Everyone most welcome.
Sunday, 1st & 8th May - Mrs. Hall.
Sunday, 15th, 22nd & 29th Mya - Mrs. Webb
The new Flower Rota is now posted inside the Church and on the Church Notice
If any dates are inconvenient or you are unable to do your turn for any reason,
please contact Andie Elliott on 828277.
CHURCH CLEANING; - Mrs. Boulton.
Bring a plate, knife and fork to the 6.00p.m. service on Sunday, 22nd May, and you will receive a warm welcome, a ploughman’s supper and the chance to join in with out enthusiastic choir as they sing well known popular spirituals and gospel songs. There will be a retiring collection only and supper will be served under cover on the Church lawn. We guarantee that the service will be a joyful and relaxed occasion on what we hope will be a lovely spring evening. So please come and join our gospel choir and help us raise the rafters. Your company will be most welcome.
Christ Church, Bulkington PCC.
The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday, 10th May at 7.30p.m. in Bulkington Village Hall.
The Parish Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 11th May at 8.15p.m. in Bulkington Village Hall.
Saturday, 2nd July, 2005.
(By kind permission of Nev. & Thelma Boulton).
As positive thoughts and energy are being put in place for the biggest and best Fete ever – and we need your support! A full programme of events will appear in the next issue of Spotlight. WATCH THIS SPACE!
Lilian Smallshaw would like to invite you to a Coffee Morning in aid of Church Flowers at 15 Dial Close, Seend from 10.30a.m. – 12 noon on Wednesday, 18th May. There will be the usual Raffle and Bring and Buy Stalls and chatter over a cup of coffee.
If anybody still has an uncollected envelope, please contact Spotlight on 828540 and arrangements will be made to collect it.
A New Look:
Please join us for a fun evening on the 26th May, 2005 at 7.30p.m. in the
Pavilion. Mrs. Rose Lunt will entertain us with her one-woman show – “A
Poignant Peep into Post-war Britain with a Joyce Grenfell Flavour”.
This will be followed by tea/coffee and home made biscuits. Husbands and friends
most welcome.
Tickets are £3 from Rosemary Harding (827005), the Post Office (828250)
or any M.U. member.
Proceeds are for Mothers Union Charities.
The MOTHERS’ UNION is a Christian organisation with over a million and a quarter members world wide – 22 of them meet in Seend! Our Logo is as above. “Families” can be composed in many different ways and all are included.
Among the charities we support are teachers promoting literacy and numeracy and HIV awareness in third world countries. Monetary aid is given if a disaster occurs. In this country we support those who run drugs awareness and parenting courses. In our own diocese we contribute towards the women’s refuge in Salisbury, a holiday caravan at Durdle Door that provides a subsidised break for those who maybe would not get one and another subsidised holiday is in the Isle of Wight. Financial contributions are made to Holy Cross for appropriate use.
As an organisation we are fortunate to have a representative in the United Nations. We would love to increase our local membership. We meet monthly usually with a speaker, and also have other activities, some to raise funds (see below). Invitations come from other branches to their various activities. Membership is open to anyone who finds our mission appealing and feels able to support us. You do not have to be married or a mother, men can belong, and even though we promote marriage, divorced people are welcome.
If you are interested or would like to know more, please contact Rosemary Harding on 827005. Alternatively come to one of our meetings (see Spotlight for details).
Early Warning Notice.
The gardening season is now well and truly in full flow. Once again the Flower Show Committee is making an appeal to you not to hide all of your talent but to allow all of us in the Village to see just how clever and artistic you can be. We need the continued support of all you successful Gardeners, Floral Artists, Photographers, Cooks and Handicraft experts for it is YOUR exhibits that always make the Seend Flower and Handicraft Show such a success. There are classes for all talents and all ages and first time entries are often among the prize winners! So let us see you feature amongst the exhibitors and hopefully, the prize winners, this year.
Programmes, which detail the many classes, will be available from late June
through July from the Village Shop, The Social Club, The Bell, The Brewery,
The three Magpies, The Tipsy Toad, Great Thornham Farm and The Old Milestone
Exhibits should be brought to the Social Club between 6.30p.m. and 7.30p.m.
on Friday evening or before 11.00a.m. on Saturday morning.
Do please make a special effort to support what we believe has become the best Village Flower Show in the West Country.
Fewer than 4 months to go to the Fete, and this year we are working to make it the best ever. We have all the usual stalls and attractions, plus some interesting new ones – a Wine bar and a Human Fruit Machine to name but two - and the entertainment line-up is top drawer. The Parade, featuring our Fete Princess will be headed by two exciting baton-twirling Majorette teams from Melksham and Devizes, 70 in total, aged from 5 to 18! Inside the Arena, falconer Ray Prior will demonstrate the wonders – and uncertainties – of falcon flying, while outside, there will be a static display of more of his falcons and other birds of prey. With stirring music from the Bratton Silver Band, magic from Mr. Snuffy, cuddly animals from Larkrise Farm, and foot-tapping jazz throughout the afternoon from a local jazz band, the whole event will be one not to be missed. If all this is not enough, this year we have a sensational new attraction – a Bucking Bronco, which should sort out the Wranglers from the Wannabes, and provide the rest of us with a lot of fun!
Thank you to all those kind people who have responded to our appeal so well for Tombola prizes. We could use more, so please look around the house for those as-yet unopened items that you just know would be happier in someone else’s home and deliver them to me at 1 Bell Hill, Seend or call me on 828391 or Neil Yockney on 827139, and we’ll collect.
Following last months Spotlight appeal for volunteers “on the day” stall duty there are still some volunteer spaces left, so if you think you can spare 1 hour sometime during the afternoon to help on a stall or game, please contact Sonja Nichols on 828535 who will be happy to take your details. Don’t worry if you’ve never helped run a stall before – extensive on-the-job training will be given on the day!
Bernie Prolze.
The Shuttle for this event will depart from the Pavilion, Rusty Lane at 9.30a.m. Please let me know as soon as possible if you wish to book a seat as places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
The visit to the College will commence at 2.00p.m. so we will arrive at Windsor with plenty of time to spare for looking around and having lunch beforehand. Tour lasts for two hours and will be £8.50 per person plus the Shuttle fare. Please contact Tina Lockney on 01380 827139 for further information if required.
On 11th June Joy Stack on 828809 is organising a trip to St. Fagan’s Museum of Welsh Life.
On Saturday, 23rd July, (not the date published in the programme), is Tony Ewin’s (828325) trip to Mapledurham House and Mill, including a boat trip on the Thames.
On Thursday 11th August, Joy (828809) is arranging a guided walk round Bromham Village, followed by a pub meal.
Friday, 2nd September is the date of the visit to Frampton Court, arranged by Sylvia Ewin on 828325.
Thursday, 3rd November, we finish the year with the AGM and an interesting talk.
Once again I shall be ordering Spring Flowering Bulbs from a Lincolnshire Grower and his Dutch colleagues. Order forms will be available in late May or early June, so please contact me to obtain one.
All profits will go to the “Friends of Berwick”. Berwick is our Wiltshire South “Girl Guiding H.Q., camping and pack holiday centre. The friends help with fundraising as well as gardening, spring cleaning and other jobs. (Last year the profits amount to £260 – Thank you).
Anne Salter, Bakery Cottage 828502)..
SATURDAY, 30TH July: Day visit to Hinton Ampner and the Chantry Garden, Winchester. There are still a few places left for this. The cost for the coach is £12.50: Hinton Ampner is a National Trust property, so either bring your N.T. card or pay £6 for entry. You can either bring a picnic or lunch in Winchester. Tea will be available. Pick up times and places will be in the June issue of Spotlight. Please pay the Treasurer for this if you have not already done so. Thank you.
Tickets have now been allocated by ballot for the evening visit to the garden of Bencroft House (Wiltshire Gardens Trust) on Thursday, 9th June: please check with Roger Allen to see if you have been lucky and pay him £3 for your ticket, which includes a drink and light refreshments. Thank you. Please let Joyce know if you need a lift.
Saturday, 3rd September: There is interest in a proposed visit to the National Amateur Gardening Show at Shepton Mallet, by members and friends. It is open to members, friends and families. Coach and entry will be £20. Please let the Treasurer have your name, numbers and money.
Saturday, 13th August: The Village Fete and Flower Show. Those
members who put their names down for a plant for the Club Class at the Flower
Show, should have them by now, so good luck with growing them on. The Gardening
Club will again be manning the Plant & Produce Stall. Please do think ahead
and sow a few extra seeds or take a few more cuttings, as they will be needed
for our stall. Help will be needed to man the stall, so offers of help to Joyce
please. Grateful thanks if you can.
A report on the AGM will be in the next issue of Spotlight.
Joyce Brand.
As an extension to its recycling operations this year Kennet D.C. plans to compost an extra 1,000 tonnes of “green” waste. The service will be limited to 7,000 residents in the district and the service is starting this month. On a fortnightly frequency it will collect garden waste from 180 litre wheelie bins for an annual charge of £20.
In addition to helping the householder, the scheme has environmental benefits. If garden waste went to landfill, it would degrade and produce methane and potentially toxic leakage. Composting prevents this and produces a useful by-product for the gardener
To participate or to seek more information about the scheme, please telephone 01380 734665 for either Ian Brown or Adrian Hampton.
Subscriptions for 2005 – 2006. At the time of writing (7th April), 41 subscribers have already signed up, including 16 new ones! A magnificent start to the year. Thank you. For those who have not yet signed up, make sure you get your subscription to me in time for the new 100+ Club year which starts on 1st May. Send your cash or cheques to me, Bernie Prolze, at the usual address, 1 Bell Hill, Seend, SN12 6SA and give yourself a chance to win one of the 4 prizes on offer each month, at the same time providing some much-needed financial support to the Lye Field and Pavilion. You know it’s the right thing to do, so don’t delay – do it today!
February, 2005 draw: Winners in the draw are as follows :
1st prize: £35: Nr. 147: Pauline Brown.
2nd prize: £30: Nr. 2: Bob Smith.
3rd prize: £20: Nr. 150: Andy Waylen.
4th prize: £15: Nr. 202: Sylvia Ewin.
Congratulations to the winners. If you would like to join them, sign up today!
Bernie Prolze.
Our latest Rural Arts event caused a bit of anxiety when one half of Spindle Wayfarer developed ‘flu on the day of the show! However, the healthy half managed to find another musician to fill the vacancy and despite virtually no rehearsal together, they put on a spellbinding evening of storytelling and atmospheric accompaniment. The evening raised just over £100 for the Lye Field. Watch out for the next event in the Autumn.
Once again the cricket season is with us and about twenty fixtures, mostly played on a Sunday, have been arranged. Our games are played in a friendly atmosphere, and all are of a 40 over per side nature (when they last that long!). The Club is looking for some new blood, either young, middle aged or getting on a bit! Ability helps but is not that important, the fact that you are prepared to give up a Sunday afternoon in order that we can put out eleven players on a regular basis is what counts. If there is anyone out there who is interested, please ring Peter Wallis on 828757 or Brian Hunt on 828581. We look forward to hearing from you.
On Sunday, 20th March, 23 ramblers enjoyed a very pleasant and varied walk in the Edington area. Starting at the beautiful Edington Priory Church, the walk took us to the edge of Salisbury Plain and along part of the old Salisbury to Bath coach road. Then, through parkland beside Baynton House and on to the delightful little village of Coulstonwith its splendid 13th century Church. From here we walked over fields, along Baynton Way and finally back to the Church following the old walls of the Priory.
The Annual General Meeting took place on Sunday, 3rd April, after a lovely walk around the Village, led by Colin Waldeck. Very good attendance for both the walk and meeting.
The Chairman, Bob Howe, opened the meeting with a welcome to four new members and his delight at our membership continuing to grow. Subscriptions this year have been increased to £5. A list of walks and events for the coming six months were discussed and each member received a copy.
Next walk will be Sunday, 22nd May: Meet in Rusty Lane for a 9.30a.m. start. The walk will start from the car park at Nockatt Coppice, Heavens Gate where we hope to view rhododendron on the Longleat Estate. The walk takes us through woodland to Shearwater Lake, where we will stop for a picnic. From here we will complete our circular distance back to the Coppice. No stiles involved. Leaders: Ron and Rita Apted (01380 828427)
Lin Salter.