Our Benefice Choir appears on the front cover of Spotlight this month, kindly organised by John Smallshaw with the expertise of Colin Carr who took the photograph. Unfortunately, two of our Bulkington Ladies were unable to be present – Joanne who has only recently undergone surgery and Thelma who had another engagement. We would very much like to find new menbers in both churches and would again encourage any interested person to come forward.
Our recruiting letter in the Melksham News brought Jacqui to us – Jacqui is the daughter of Mrs. Joyce King who was one of our Bulkington Church Wardens for some years and we are very pleased to have Jacqui with us. If you are interested in joining either choir, please ring Clem on 01380 722856. The commitment is quite minimal with one Sunday Service and a choir practice on most Wednesday evenings for an hour. We sing together for the quarterly Benefice Service and, of course, for the Seend and Bulkington Christmas Carol Services.
The caption beneath the photograph reads “Preparing for Easter”.
You may like to know that we are in fact preparing a new setting to the Eucharist
to be introduced on Palm Sunday. We have used the Appleford Setting for almost
fifteen years and we hope that the new setting by David Thorne will be well
received. Members of the congregation are invited to be present at our Choir
rehearsal on Wednesday, 16th March at 8.00p.m. in Seend Church when Choir will
give an introduction to the new music. The congregation will have the advantage
of a melody edition of the setting for their use in the pews and we hope that
this will encourage a good vocal support and participation. It is a very tuneful
setting and quite easy to ’pick up’. It is already in use in several
local churches and is one of the settings recommended and marketed by the Royal
School of Church Music.
We hope you will enjoy it.
Mr. Clem Greenman, Organist and Choirmaster.
At the AGM of the Seend Social Club, held on March 19th, 2004, it was agreed “That the Committee pursue the necessary actions which could lead to Seend Social Club becoming the Seend Village Community Centre and Social Club and obtain, by all legal means, Charitable status”, The reasons that justified this course of action were that the progressive effects of rising operating costs and the changes required to the Club to comply with new legislation, plus the needs for improvements and ongoing maintenance work, would steadily overtake cash inflow. The risk would then be that the Club could become insolvent and the village would lose a vital asset.
The process of gaining Charitable status is exacting and lengthy. Fortunately the situation facing the village resulting from the possible loss of the Club, was recognised by the Seend Trust, which is a Registered Charity and whose objects are “The conservation of the environment and the improvements of the amenities of the village of Seend and its surroundings”, Sir Mathew Thorpe, who is Chairman of the Seend Trust and a Vice President of the Social Club, recognised the value of both preserving and developing the Social Club for the benefit of the members and the village community. By combining the objects of the Seend Trust and the proposals for the wider use of the Club premises by the village, it proved possible to gain the support of the Charities Commission for the acceptance of our application. We were also greatly helped, in the understanding and preparation of the procedures for submitting our application, by the guidance of Community Matters who have assisted some 400 clubs throughout the UK in obtaining Charitable status.
At the EGM held on January 22nd, 2005, the motion was agreed by all members present “For the Seend Social Club to adopt Charitable Status and to employ Community Matters to implement the legal requirements which will satisfy the Charities Commission”. The procedures involved are complicated and require expertise and experience of such work which are not possessed locally.
When the conversion to charitable status is complete, a major financial benefit
will result from the reduction of Rates currently paid by the Club. This reduction
will amount to 80% with the remaining 20% negotiable with Kennet District Council.
Further benefits will arise from our eligibility, as a Charity, to apply for
grants towards the costs of urgently needed work to make the building more attractive
for wider use by the village. A new management team, to be elected, will be
comprised of members of the existing Social Club Committee and volunteers from
the village who have special abilities and/or interest in community activities.
This committee will be responsible for developing and overseeing the implementation
of these ideas and plans.
The facilities currently managed and enjoyed by the members of the Social Club
will be unaffected by these changes. To meet legal requirements, the Social
Club will become the Trading arm of the new structure. From the income that
it generates through the bar, entertainments, skittles, and special events,
it will continue, as at present, to be the prime source of income but it is
hoped that as various improvements can be made to the buildings, their popularity
and usage will grow and result in additional sources of income to the benefit
of all.
The village now has a wonderful opportunity to help support and develop, for its own benefit, one of its greatest assets. Watch this space for further news.
Peter Fisher, President.
GEOFF WILTSHIRE would like to thank family and friends their
kindness after his recent accident. A special thank you to Andy Waylen for helping
Martin on the farm.
There are still places available for the Royal British Legion visit to Yeovilton on 22nd April, 2005.
Remember, you do not have to be a Member to be included in the visit so, if you would like to take part, please give your name to Roger Brind (828830) as soon as possible. If we do not get enough takers, the visit will have to be cancelled and a decision will be made on 14th March, so get your name on before then.
Mrs. Margaret Coley was admitted to the Seend Branch of the Mothers’ Union at the Corporate Communion on the 26th January.
Mrs. Coley invited members back to her home after the service for coffee.
Womens World Day of Prayer – 4th March at 10.30a.m. in St. Michaels Church, Melksham.
The next meeting of the Seend Mothers’ Union is on 16th March in the Pavilion at 2.45p.m. The speaker will be the Revd. Sasha Pearce and the talk will be “Nursing to Priesthood. The tea Hostess will be Mrs. Meriel Taylor.
The Corporate Communion will be on 23rd March at 9.45a.m. in Holy Cross Church.
4th March is Lady Day. There will be said evensong at 5.00p.m.
Elizabeth Campbell.
Richard Whitehead’s talk on “Genetically Modified Crops” at the February meeting was ably done and geared so that it could be easily understood; his props of Hornby OO track and trucks to represent the DNA helix, genes and chromosomes greatly helped our understanding of the process.
Tomatoes were the first fruit to be given a gene to prevent the break down of the pectin molecule, so that they travelled better and a better tomato puree was made from them. Many checks are now applied before any plants are grown and it is expected that there will be gluten-free wheat, toxin free nuts and caffeine free coffee available. G.M. crops are grown world wide, except in Europe.
The competition for a decorated hat was won by Joan Goman.
Two tickets are available for the Chelsea Flower Show, for members, at £26 for Thursday, 26th May, 2005. If more than two people apply, there will be a ballot. Contact Joyce on 828433.
There is a talk by Michael Balston at Devizes Town Hall on Saturday, 12th March, on Garden Design at 2.00p.m. If you wish to go, ask Joyce for the Wiltshire Gardens Trust Card.
The speaker on Tuesday, 8th March at 7.30p.m. in the Pavilion will be Tony Titchen; his subject is the “Trees of Tyntefield”.
The competition is the Spring Bulb Show. Please bring along pots of daffodils, tulips, narcissi or any other flowering bulbs. Otherwise cut bulb flowers in a vase – these can be single flowers or in groups of three. Miniature flowers in single or threes are also accepted. Do have a go at entering; you must have some of these in your garden, if not in pots.
The Gardening Club Day Out will be to Hinton Ampner Garden, a National Trust property, plus one other to be confirmed on Saturday, 30th July. Bring a picnic and tea will be available. Costs to be confirmed. A list has been started and will be out at the next meeting.
Joyce Brand.
It’s new, it will be interesting and it will be lots of fun! This will be a light-hearted quiz to be enjoyed in teams, so you can get together with your friends in groups of six or eight, or if on your own, you will be able to join a table. Prizes will be given to individual winners and also to the winning table. Supper will be served with a glass of wine and there will be a wine and soft drinks bar all evening. This event – a special evening with a difference, is being run by the Church Social and Fundraising Committee.
The Quizmaster will be Geoffrey Stafford Charles of Dreweatt Neate Fine Art Auctioneers.
Tickets (in aid of Church Funds) £10, Book up in good time as numbers
are limited.Tickets available from Bob Howe, Perrys Lane, Seend Cleeve. 828554.
Sylvia Ewin, Cranbelle, Rusty Lane. 828325. The Seend Post Office and any Committee
Future Dates for the Diary:
25th/26th June: Open Gardens Weekend with Exhibition of Wildlife Paintings by Pam Mullings in the Irene Usher Memorial Pavilion.
Saturday, 9th July: Church Summer Fayre in the Rectory Garden.
Sunday, 17th July: Family Day in Church and Pavilion/Lye Field.
Saturday, 15th October: Return visit of St.Petersburg Choir – choral concert
in Church.
The January meeting was very interesting with a well presented talk and slides on “The Great Bustard” return to Salisbury Plain. The talk was given by Miss Anna Fraser of the Great Bustard Group and she was accompanied by a friend, Will Lorimer, a media student from the University of Manchester who did a lot of the filming.
The competition was a “Wildlife Photograph” and was won by Florence Roust.
At the February meeting, Mr. Tim Carson gave a talk on “Crop Circles”. A subject studied by people from all over the world. He showed pictures of the many circles created on his farm, telling amusing stories of the visitors he gets from all parts annually.
The competition for a “Pot Plant” and was won by Mrs. Meriel Taylor.
The March meeting will be on Wednesday, 9th March and the speaker will be Capt. Greenaway on “Laughter in the Forces”, The competition will be for a War Souvenir.
Muriel Buckley.
On the 31st March the Scheme will have been in operation for five years. This is a fantastic achievement, only made possible by our volunteers who have given up their time to drive someone who can no longer do so, and who has no other way of getting to that medical appointment, or to somewhere equally important. A good majority of our volunteers have been with us from the start and they know that thanks can never be expressed sufficiently by all those people they will have helped.
In the last six months, the number of people applying for help each week has
doubled. We do get new volunteers now and then – but not enough to stop
the increasing demands on the long-serving majority of volunteers. It is important
for the long term continuance of the Scheme, that new volunteers come forward.
If you have just retired, or you work at home, and could spare the time to do
just one journey a month, please contact our Recruitment and Care Officer, Bernie
Prolze, tel: 828391, or me. We really do need you!
Tony Ewin, 828325. Chairman.
Having autism means that you often see the world differently. People with autism or Asperger Syndome benefit from being with friends, teachers or children who have some understanding of autism. The Queensway Centre for children with autism at St. Michael’s School in Melksham, provides such understanding.
In order to help raise the profile of autism, The Friends of the Queensway Centre (a registered charity) are holding an Auction of Promises at the Social Club, Rusty Lane, Seend on Saturday, 19th March. All money raised on the night will help increase specialist provision and help provide an enhanced social curriculum for children in the Centre.
Can you offer a promise to auction? Say two hours of ironing? A chocolate cake? or an unwanted Christmas present? If you can help, please contact our chairman, Graham Appleby on 828359. The auction starts at 8.00p.m. and entry is free (programme £1). All welcome. Please do your best to attend and help a good cause.
We have several exciting theatre trips to look forward to -
Tuesday, 1st March: “Under Milkwood” by Dylan Thomas. Wharf Theatre,
Thursday, 10th March: “La Traviata” by the Northern Ballet Company
Verdi’s music. Theatre Royal, Bath.
Monday, 23rd May: “Mac and Mabel” a John Doyle/Sarah Travis production
Supper evening at the Watermill Theatre, Newbury.
Members have already booked for the first two. Booking slips for Newbury in May will be delivered in due course.
Sylvia Ewin. Tel: 828325.
Good Friday – 25th March 10.00a.m. to 12.15p.m.
Children, family and friends are invited to join us in our special morning of activities – making the Easter Garden and clay models to go in it, creating Easter cards, collage, toddlers corner, prayers, etc., try bell ringing, bring your musical instruments for our orchestra. Hot Cross Buns, squash and coffee.
11.45a.m. – a rounding up of all the activities with a very informal service – do come and join us. Collection for Save the Children Fund.
Pam Muller.
The following information could help to save your life, so read on ….
Supposing you are alone and think you may be experiencing a heart attack with
no-one at hand to help – the symptoms are sudden severe pain in your chest
that may start to radiate up into your arm and out into your jaw.
You can help yourself as your heart beats improperly in the few seconds before you lose consciousness, by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough and the cough should be really strong and prolonged. A breath and a cough should be taken about every two seconds without let up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way heart attack victims can get to a hospital. A cardiologist says that if everyone who gets this message passes it on to ten people, you can bet that at least one life will be saved! As I hope more than ten people in Seend will read this, we should save more than one life in our village!
Sylvia Ewin.
13 walkers attended the walk organised by Gerald Salter on Sunday, 23rd January which commenced from the lay-by at Chapel Knapp near Gastard. We had experienced a small quantity of snow the previous evening which had left the landscape quite crisp and the sun shining; a most beautiful morning.
A distance of 5 miles was covered, skirting Thingley Bridge Farm, outskirts of Corsham. Leafield and Monks Park, then back to Chapel Knapp, a mixture of walking farm tracks, country lanes and fields.
Next Walk is Sunday, 20th March:
5½ miles duration, approximately 2½ hours, with stunning views in the Edington area on the edge of Salisbury Plain.
Meet in Rusty Lane at 9.30a.m. Walk starts at Edington Church car park 10.00am. Penny and Ron England will be organising this walk (01380 828949). Please let Penny know if you intend to join them at Edington Church. Bring a drink as we will have a coffee stop.
Please be aware of our AGM in the Pavilion on Sunday, 3rd April at 3.00p.m.
A short walk around the village will commence at 1.30p.m. in Rusty Lane.
Lin Salter.
TRUE: but “but not what I really meant” column:
When the Government announced that it was intending to ban the sale of land mines, an M.P. who had been campaigning for the ban said “It’s a step in the right direction”.
An advert in a shop window in Scotland, “For Sale. Genuine Leopard skin coat. Spotless condition”.
In February’s issue of Spotlight it was reported that a panel had been
taken from the front of the piano in Seend Church. It has now re-appeared as
mysteriously as it went!
Our next Rural Arts event is “Spindle Wayfarer” telling “Stories from the Wild Wood” on Saturday, 9th April at 7.30p.m. in the Pavilion. Their storytelling is aimed at adults, but will also appeal to older children. I’ve heard great reports of them from people who saw their ghost story performance in Gastard a while ago. Tickets are £6, or £3 for children and people on benefits – or £15 for a family ticket for two adults and two children. Refreshments will be available in the interval, or, if you want something stronger than tea, bring your own wine or beer and glasses! Tickets will be available at the Shop and Post Office, or ring Tessa on 01380 828617.
By the time you read this, it’ll be all over for another year. Hope you enjoyed it and didn’t find Nightshade too scary.
You probably noticed that we missed the publication date for February Spotlight, so the usual mini-posters did not get inserted. Many thanks to those younger members of the cast who went round putting them through letter boxes instead!
And thanks to all those who helped out serving refreshments, selling tickets, etc. We must also thank Dennis Frith, who changed the date of his holiday when he realised that it clashed with his “Front of House” duties. That’s really dedication beyond the call of duty!
Don’t forget the first Wednesday shopping trips to Bath or Salisbury.
Phone Terry on 828203 for details. For the timetable of scheduled services see
Hire Charges: Seend Community Bus Committee has, reluctantly, decided that the time has come to put up the private hire charges for the Seend Shuttle (only the second increase since the first Shuttle hit the road!) as fuel costs and other overheads have increased. From 1st April it will cost 70p. Per mile decreasing to 50p. Per mile after 200 miles. The £10 minimum charge remains. Any bookings already made will still be charged at the previous rate.
We think you’ll find this is still very competitive. Hirers are reminded that all the drivers are volunteers, and if they can provide a volunteer from their own party to take an informal test and be added to our list of insured drivers, this can make it easier for all concerned.
Volunteers wanted: We need to make another plea for volunteer drivers who can help out on the scheduled services – especially Thursdays. It doesn’t have to be every week – just once in a while would be a great help. Whether you’re a novice, or are already on our list of drivers, but your circumstances have changed so that you are now free in the daytime, please ring Pete on 828757 or Alison on 828568.
Tessa Doe (Tel: 828617).
Well, what a fantastic night the Chinese evening turned out to be! An excellent turnout of twenty one ladies enjoyed sumptuous food and wine and professional entertainment from Magical Mandy in a beautifully decorated hall. A round of applause to Jackie for the organisation, and to everyone else who helped make the evening such a success.
So on to Thursday, 24th February, when John Girvan will entertain us in the Village Hall with a lively talk entitled “Underground Devizes”. Please join us.
For more information, please telephone Geraldine on 828664.
Meeting at Manor Farm, Keevil with guest speaker Kathy Miller who will speak on the NEEN TREE TRUST BOYS HOME in Southern India.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9th March at 8.15p.m. in Bulkington Village Hall.
Sunday, 27th March (Easter Day) - Mrs. Raby-Cox.
Sunday, 3rd April – Mrs. Raby-Cox.
We will decorate the Church for Easter on Saturday, 26th March. Please contact
me if you need new oasis or you need more information.
Andie Elliott (828277).
CHURCH CLEANING: - March, Mrs. Raby-Cox.
COFFEE MORNING – Wednesday, 9th March at 10.30a.m.
Bob and Marina Webb cordially invite you to a Coffee Morning at their home, Ebor House, Wickleaze Lane, Bulkington.
Come along and enjoy a coffee and chat and raffle. Everyone most welcome. Proceeds towards Church funds.
A big thank you to everyone who supported our Valentine Soup Lunch last month. It was good to see so many enjoying our Super Soups.
Special thanks to our dedicated chefs, who once again created six temptingly tasty soups to warm the heart and soul on a winters day, not forgetting the delicious home-made cookies to round off the meal.
Thanks also to everyone who donated and supported the raffle. As a result we raised £140.28p. For Church funds – a truly wonderful effort. Thank you all.
Sorry that this was omitted from our report in the February Spotlight. Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to Operation Christmas Child. So many people knitted, crocheted, gave generous gifts of money and packed beautiful shoe boxes.
The total number of shoe boxes sent from this area was 38,756. Five lorries went to the Ukraine, Bosnia, Serbia and Rumania and two people from this region (Swindon and Salisbury) helped with the distribution overseas.
Audrey McDonald.
Bulkington Art Group meets Tuesday afternoons, 2 – 4pm
in the Village Hall for watercolours, pastels, drawing or whatever media you
prefer. This is a purely social group with no tutor. Please provide all your
own materials and then come along to inspire or be inspired! For further details
please contact Sue Barratt 828 036 or Margaret Foster 828 138, or just turn
Bulkington Village Hall AGM will take place on 08th March at 7.30pm
– wine and coffee will be served. The new wheelchair exterior
access ramp has been partially constructed – thanks to Phyl Coles who
donated the concrete. Thanks to our builder Melvin Difford good progress has
been made with the modifications to the lady’s toilet in order to conform
to the Disability Act. Hall usage has improved considerably.
Line Dancing Classes under expert tuition take place every Mondayevening. The Art Group meet on Tuesday afternoons, and Musical Exercise Classes every Wednesday evening. Oliver Coles ran a very successful clay pigeon shoot in February which raised £130. Well done ’Olly’! Very flourishing village Ladies Group recently enjoyed a Chinese Evening and occasionally the hall is hired for children’s private parties usually with train rides on the Grent Bulkington Railway.
Nev Boulton, Chairman.
Nev asks;
What lies at the bottom of the sea twitching? Answer – A nervous wreck.
For Hire - Bulkington Village Hall
Only £7.00 a session
Ideal for Social Functions,
Wedding Parties and Children‘s Parties
The miniature sit on & ride railway may be hired at additional cost.
Tables, chairs, tableware for hire.
Contact Roger Futter 828 485.
Our season commences with a meeting in the Irene Usher Hall at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, 3rd March when our speaker will be Mr. Dennis Powney who will tell us about the history of Bromham Village and Church. Details of our forthcoming programme will be announced, starting with a visit to Eton College or Windsor Castle in May.
We welcome new members, so why not come along and enjoy a glass of wine and hear what is planned for the summer months.
Joy Stack.
Shirley, Simon and Stephen Wyre would like to thank everyone so much for all the beautiful cards, flowers and letters of sympathy which we received following the passing of Peter on Ash Wednesday. It made me realise what a wonderful village I live in. God bless you all.
Shirley Wyre.
Are you interested in people? Are you open minded? Are you a good listener? Do you have time to spare each week?
Have you thought about volunteering?
Learning new skills – Meeting new people - Gaining experience in an office
environment – Helping people in your community – Joining a well
respected advice network – o formal qualifications necessary – full
training available – Travel expenses paid.
Interested? For more information, to arrange an informal visit
or for an informal chat, please contact Sandra Long on 01380 722242.
Kennet CAB has offices at Devizes, Marlborough, Pewsey and Tidworth.
Kennet District Council Notice.
Easter Waste Collection – Waste normally collected on -
Tuesday, 29th March will be collected on Wednesday, 30th March.
Thursday, 31st March will be collected on Friday, 1st April.
Paper Collection – please refer to your recycling leaflet for the collection dates over the Easter period.
Spotlight is always looking for means of making the magazine more interesting
for readers. If anybody has thoughts or comments we shall be pleased to receive
One suggested possibility is a letters page and again, if anybody has pleasant
or amusing thoughts or experiences we should be pleased to give them an airing.
Please: no politics but humour is always appreciated.