Spotlight Interim Editorial Team: Joanne Bell, Sue Bond, Meg Combes, Rev'd Sacha Pearce & Tina Yockney

Welcome to the June edition of Spotlight

June is here but where is summer? As we finalise this month’s edition of Spotlight, the weather forecast is for persistent rain and gales! Still, there are many local events and activities to entertain you during June and early July - rain or shine. There is the Summer Party at The Hatch on 17th June; the Bulkington Scarecrow Trail and Fun Day on 1st & 2nd July; Seend Church Fayre on 8th July and Seend school’s Barn Dance in the evening of the same day - all details of these and many other events can be found in this bumper edition of Spotlight.

Congratulations to Seend Social Club on the continuing success of its beer festival. It was better than ever this year – an enjoyable family-friendly occasion - and it raised a much-needed £2,000 for the community centre. A great achievement. Well done to everyone involved.

Seend Parish Council held its annual village meeting on 16th May. This is when the various groups and organisations in the village are invited to give a brief report on their activities over the past year and plans for the future. Seend has an impressive (and growing) number of groups to choose from and it is a shame that only 18 people attended the meeting. Some fifteen groups and charities were represented. The WI, one of Seend’s oldest established organisations, could not attend. This was unfortunate, as many people in the village are concerned about the future of the WI hall site. The editorial team hopes to have more to report on this next month.

Spotlight Contacts

Contributions for the next issue (copy deadline 10th June) can be sent by e-mail to or delivered to the Post Office, High Street, Seend or for Bulkington contributions to Jo Bell at 1 Northfields, Bulkington (e-mail to Comments and queries – Meg Combs 828229 or Tina Yockney on 827139.

Grave News…………..

I have recently been transferring records from the late 18th century burial plan of Holy Cross Church yard onto a data base. This has proved to be an interesting (but lengthy) task. Dates are not always given, particularly for the earlier years, but the records in this one book span from the late 18th century through to the 1990’s.

The record book, which was largely completed painstakingly in one careful hand, gives a fascinating insight to life in our village over the years.
There are many personal tragedies but the most striking observation is the rate of infant mortality. Some families lose child after child. The canal, although a boon to the prosperity of the village, claimed a surprising number of lives through drowning. There are the odd violent deaths, suicides and the inevitable results of War.
Social class and standing in the community is most obvious, with more detail and time spent on recording the circumstances of death of the more ‘important’. Sadly one or two records for those employed in the big houses give no Christian name but refer only to the deceased’s job :
Mrs Turner – nurse at Mr Ludlow-Bruge’s
Allen – Footman at Mr Awdry’s

It is interesting to note how familiar many of the big family names in this record are to us today. This is largely thanks to their concern shown for the Seend community in the past.
In reproducing some of the highlights from these records I have not tided up spellings or grammar.

Thomas Weston

Buried with military honours – drum muffled with Betty Brown’s black petticoat – the band played down Church Lane, the hymn tune Hanover. He was drowned in Lock No.4 when canal was making.


Straw, by his own wish, put in his grave so that if body snatchers came, the straw would make a litter and so, the theft be discovered.

James Wiltshire

His body was in church two days and two nights – nobody could be got to bury him. At last he was buried by the Hn. Rev.Edward Seymour just as the curfew began.

Thomas Shell

Played the violincello in church, and the instrument was given him when the organ was put up.

David Cromwell

Brought from London in a package labelled “Glass” ( ! )

John Sainsbury

One of the singers who, when Daniel Jones was buried, had a spade guinea given him. Sainsbury bought the guinea for a £1 note and a shilling, and said when he died, they should have it for singing over him.
His Sister Mrs Earle Kept the guinea & so expended it. The anthem was Job VII V.1 “Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth”

John Curwick

He was brought from Benacre in flood time – the bridge at Melksham blowed. A rustic in a smockfrock rode postilion and brought hearse with corpse safely through the river.

Thomas Maslen

Died as result of a prize fight in Devizes.

Susanna Smith wife of William Smith

This Susanna (Smith’s 1st wife ) before she was married went wrong with John Rawlings, a married man, and there was a skimmington*. She was carried on a hurdle with rough music from her house in Pigslane through the street and back, and when they got opposite the Bell they tipped her off the hurdle and she ran home. The next night they thought to have had John Rawlings, but hearing that he had barricaded his house and armed himself with a prong they gave it up. ( circa 1820 )

Evelyn Butler

Died 27th October 1951. Wife of Rev. W.A.Butler. The choir met corpse at front gates – After service in church the choir led out to grave in churchyard. The ringers also rung a muffled peal as the mourners left the grave.

My family and I now look out for these people as we walk to the church.
They almost seem like old friends!

*In English towns this was a common way to express moral outrage at the actions of a member of a married couple, perhaps because the man was a wife-beater or the woman an adulterer. An important part of it was noise.

The word is obscure, but probably derives from a skimming ladle, shown in early illustrations wielded by an enraged wife. The custom is recorded from the seventeenth century onwards, in Pepys’s diary for example, and there’s a good description in Thomas Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge of 1884.

Thank you Google.

Phil Springate


We are in need of more “Holy Dusters” to help keep our beautiful Holy Cross church clean. If you have an hour to spare on a monthly basis please contact Lilian Smallshaw on 828540. She will be pleased to hear from you.

Church Flowers - If you would like to be put on the Flower rota either on a monthly basis or at Festival times please contact Lilian as above.


We are now heading for our final term at Seend for this school year. Our year 6 pupils have finished their SATs and we know they have all done their best at school. They are all preparing for the final term at school before moving to secondary education and during the next weeks the older children will be supporting the school in many events and activities.

The May Fair organised by the children and their teachers was a success with the May Fair King and Queen duly crowned by Ron Westacott. Drew and Fay were made King and Queen with attendants Lara and Miles. The stalls were run by the older children. Their creativity and enthusiasm shone through.

On Saturday 13th May our football team played in the Worton and Marsden School football tournament. There were a large number of schools from Devizes and surrounding villages. We were pleased to get through to the semi-final, when were beaten. The team played well and with excellent performances from Josh in goal and a diving header from Harry. The team looks good for next year, despite losing 3 year 6 players.

Steven Bennett, Headmaster

Keevil School Football Tournament
The Seend school team played in the Keevil Tournament and won this tournament on a Saturday morning. We had two games against Keevil and Semington and won both. The boys that scored were Will, Max and Tim. Will scored 3, Max scored 1 and Tim scored 1.

The man of the match was Will, he was the centre forward. We were all really pleased with winning the tournament and we played our best right to the end of each match.

The team was Tim, Ollie, Josh, Sam, Max (Captain), Jack, Andrew, Rory, Josh and Will.
By Jack (Goalkeeper) Year 6, Seend

Barn Dance - 8th July
This is the school’s biggest social and fundraising event of the year. A not-to- be missed great night out at Seend Social Club with the famous Wiltshire Kloff band providing the entertainment. There will be a barbeque from 6pm-8pm with the band finishing around 11pm. There will also be a raffle with prizes donated from local businesses.

Seend PSC invite not only school children and parents, but the whole village to enjoy this great night out.

Tickets (priced £7.50 adults, £2.50 children and family tickets £20) are now available to buy from PSC members at Seend School or at the Post Office or by phoning 828293. Buy early to avoid disappointment.
Rachel Lewis


Large screen equipment is now installed in the Club lounge and will be showing football matches from the World Cup.

It is hope that during the school summer holidays, Saturday morning breakfasts will be on sale in the hall. Watch this space for future dates.

Make a diary note for Saturday 15th July to come and enjoy a Country & Western Evening. Entertainment will be provided by “Blazing Saddles” and tickets will cost £10. This will include a light supper of bangers and beans.

John Smallshaw


We all know the old adage you don’t miss it until its gone. Well this could be the case for our village shop unless we the villagers do something about it. We take the shop for granted because it is there, but were it not how many of us would curse having to drive to the nearest town for provisions and postal services. The questions we need to ask ourselves are:

Do we value our village shop?
Would we be bereft were it to close?
Do we recognise the service that Richard and Mel provide?
Can we really expect them to continue to trade at a loss?
How can we avert disaster?

Each one of us must consciously commit to putting more business through the shop. If there is a service not presently available or a line not stocked ask for it. Only increased turnover will return the shop to profit and only profit will avert closure. It’s that serious!


With great sadness we report the death of Major Donald Maennling who has died peacefully at his home in Lewes, Sussex. Donald and his wife Laura lived in the village in Badbury House for a number of years, and will be particularly remembered for those wonderful musical evenings at which Laura sang so beautifully. Donald served as a pilot in the Royal Air Force during the second world war and transferred to the Army in peacetime, serving with the 17th/21st Lancers. During his time in the village he was a very keen and active member of the Branch. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Laura and their family.
Roger Brind


From 2pm in The Rectory Garden - A date for your diary!

This year we have many games and competitions for the children plus the Bouncy Castle. Our local school also has a treat in store for us. Parents have many stalls, a spirits Draw and a Raffle to keep them occupied. Also, wet sponge throwing at guess who???? We have Ices to cool you down and the Tea House to quench your thirst and hunger. What more can you want to have a fun afternoon?

All readers are invited to come along and enjoy themselves. It will also whet your appetite for the great village Fete in August

Stalls for Groceries, Books, Bric a Brac, Cakes, Toiletries/Smellies, DVDs/Videos/CDs would appreciate your donations, preferably before the day please. You may leave everything with me at Cranbelle, Rusty Lane. Joyce Brand will be asking you for garden plants & produce. I know you will have an unwanted present or something untouched in that drawer. Thank you in anticipation. Don’t miss it.

Tony Ewin. 828325



Despite the long cold winter and the lack of rain, the hardy Gardeners amongst us are busy brightening their lives with ever more colourful gardens, patios and flower beds. The vegetable enthusiasts are also seeing the results of their hard work and will very soon be enjoying the flavours of their early crops.

This year marks the 57th anniversary of the Seend Flower Show and if the image enjoyed by Mr Heinz for all of his varieties, can be translated on to the Show benches, we will have an outstanding exhibition to display to our many visitors. But to achieve this we will need the support of all of you successful gardeners, Floral Artists, Photographers, Cooks and Handicraft enthusiasts. It will be your efforts that will again make this year’s show the success that previous years have recorded.

There are classes for all talents and all ages and first time entries are so often among the prizewinners. So start preparing now for your entries and let us see you among this year’s exhibitors and prizewinners. Programmes, which detail the many classes and rules, will be available in July from the Village shop, the Social Club, the Bell, the Three Magpies and the Tipsy Toad.

Exhibits should be brought to the Social Club between 6.30pm and 7.30pm on the Friday evening or before 11am on Saturday morning.

Do please make a special effort to support what, in our biased view, is the best Village Flower Show in the West Country.

Peter Fisher, President,
Seend Village Flower Show Committee


Fete progress - Fewer than 3 months to go to the fete, and we are working to make it the best ever – maybe less wet would be a good target! We have all the usual stalls and attractions – this time all under cover of gazebos, so in the words of the song “Come rain or come shine…”. We have decided to rerun last year’s Fete, this time without the rain, so the entertainment line-up is definitely the best. The Parade will once again be headed by the fabulous Kate Spillane and her Devizes Dazzlers (we are working on some new ideas for the progress of the Parade into the arena, so be prepared). Mr Snuffy and his good friend John Alderslade will reprise their award-winning performance of last year to provide magic and wonder, while music from last year’s musical heroes The Downtown Six jazz band will fill the air - this time with a dry drummer…
Fete Breakfast
We are still working on a Fete-morning breakfast for those who feel like volunteering as roustabouts. Final arrangements will be in the July Spotlight. Keep watching this space…
Tombola prizes
We are still desperately short of Tombola prizes, so please look around the house for those as-yet unopened items that you don’t want to keep, but just can’t throw away. Call me on 828391 or Neil Yockney on 827139, and we'll collect!
There is still a need for on-the-day stall volunteers, so if you think you can spare just 1 hour sometime during the afternoon to help out on a stall or game, please contact Sonja Nicholls on 828535 who will be happy to take your details. Don't worry if you've never helped run a stall before - extensive on-the-job training is given on the day!

Bernie Prolze


There was a good response from the village- thanks to the warning in April’s issue of Spotlight - when Seend had a visit from the Nottingham Knockers. It transpired that 3 people were dropped off and called at various addresses around Seend. These people then met up with the rest of their group in a public house in Box where the police had been monitoring them and were able to investigate further.

There have been two cases of distraction thefts in Sainsburys in Melksham recently. In both cases two young people with foreign accents had approached customers making a long-winded enquiry about a certain product. One engaged the customer in conversation whilst the other stole from the customer’s handbag which was attached to the trolley. In one incident over £100 in cash was stolen. Please beware. Do not leave bags unattended on trolleys. It all happens far too quickly.

Beware of “prize letters” that claim you have won a prize and asks you to ring a number to claim it. It can result in a very expensive phone bill.

Anthony Hodgkinson


June is almost upon us, the 100+ Club starts in May - so technically the time is up. But the time is not up until everyone has signed up and the first draw has taken place. As this event is planned for the Lye Field Committee Meeting in June, if you haven’t yet sent in your subscription, you still have time to do so using the form below. Don’t put this aside to do later – perhaps that’s what you did with the last one… Complete the form today and send it to me together with your cheque – and good luck!

Name Mr./Mrs/Ms/ Miss …………………………………………………….


……………………………………………………Post Code ….………….….

Tel………………..……………. email ……………………………………….

I enclose my cheque/cash to the value of £……… for ……… subscription/s {£15 per person}. Cheques to be made payable to Seend Lye Recreation Field Committee {registered as a Charity in accordance with the Provisions of Charities Act 1960 Reg. no 305565}


SEEND FAWLTY PLAYERS – ‘What the Butler Saw’ Melodrama

We shall be performing our very own genuine reproduction Edwardian verse melodrama, ‘What the Butler Saw’ (last performed some years ago) on 22nd July – time to be confirmed. The melodrama (boo and hiss!) will be followed by supper (cheers!), a selection of music hall numbers for your delectation and delight (mmmm!), and a revival of a poem for voices written by Ron Westacott some twenty-odd years ago (aaah!). Watch out for further details nearer the time.
Tessa Doe


AGM 6th June
All passengers, drivers, cleaners – and anybody else who’s interested in the future of the Seend Shuttle – are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Seend Community Bus Committee on Tuesday 6th June at 7.45 pm in the Pavilion. Seend Shuttle Mark III will be available to transport people to and from the meeting – ring Pete on 828757 to reserve your place.

Bus Pass holders

If you are the proud possessor of a bus pass entitling you to free travel on
Wiltshire and Swindon buses, you can use it on the Seend Shuttle’s scheduled
services (not the First Wednesday shopping trips, which are private hire).
So treat yourself to a free ride! The timetable can be viewed on

Tessa Doe


At our well attended AGM in April Mrs. J. Biggs was re-elected President and the committee was re-elected en-bloc with the addition of Mrs. J Vaux. The Silver Salver (presented each year to the member with most points from competitions during the year) was won by Mrs E Campbell. Members were reminded that the next Sheepbells Group meeting will be held in the Seend
WI Hall on Wednesday 24th May at 7.30 pm. The Speaker will be from the Hawk Conservancy.

We welcomed several guests from the Seend & District Theatre Club to our meeting on May 10th The Speaker, Mrs. Mitchell, gave us a fascinating account of the life of her aunt - Dame Sybil Thorndike - one of the legendary figures of the theatre world. She brought many photo's of her aunt and her husband - Sir Lewis Casson - which were of great interest to the audience. She was thanked by Mrs. Kay Beasley. The members decided that support for the resolutions at the National AGM in Cardiff on 7th June should be left to the discretion of our delegate, Mrs Shirley West, who will be accompanied by Mrs Betty Smith.

Our nest meeting on 14th June is an 'OPEN MEETING' when Mr R Tanner and friends will give us a practical workshop on Handbells. Please join us for what should be a most interesting and entertaining evening in the Seend W I Hall at 7.30 p.m. The Competition will be 'A Decorated Bell' and there will be a 'Bring-and-Buy' stall. Tea Hostess:- Mrs Kay Beasley.
Betty Smith


2nd June - evening walk. Meet Rusty Lane at 5.30pm for a 5 mile walk organised by Bob Howe. Walk will possibly be in Avebury area, but to be confirmed.

Sunday 18th June - Meet Rusty Lane at 9.30am for 6 mile walk organised by Colin and Denise Noad. The walk will start at Chapel Farm in the stable yard near the Lansdowne Arms and Bath race-course and will take a route through Northstoke, Swineford and Upton Cheney with spectacular views. Please bring refreshments.

Possible Mid Week walk - Gordon Reed is willing to organise a short walk of 5 miles, which would entail catching a bus (free fares for the over 60’s!) to Devizes and walking back though open countryside, via Poulshot (picnic or refreshments at The Raven) returning to Seend via footpaths. If members are interested in this walk, please report back to the committee so it can be organised in July or August.

Monday 17th July - Walk in Berwick-St-James area organised by Ron Apted. Meet in Rusty Lane for a 3.15pm departure. A barbeque-style meal will follow in the Guiding Activities Centre prepared by Friends of Berwick. Please contact Lin Salter on 01225 706451 to book the meal.
Lin Salter


Bulb Show - Due to the cold start to the season, those flowers ready in time were shown in March and the rest in April. Our grateful thanks to Dan & Heather Hyde and Sue Jones for sharing the judging. Thanks also to the many members who took part; there were certainly more than in previous years.

AGM & Social - There was a good crowd for the AGM. The chairman and Treasurer gave their Annual Reports and the committee were re-elected. Barbara Booth wished to stand down after many years. We wish to thank her for all the work that she has done for the club during that time. We welcome Carol Jackson on to the committee. As our President, Peter Hicks, wasn’t well, a retired chairman of the club, David Raby-Cox, stood in for him and presented the Gill Edgley Cup to the winners of the monthly competitions. The winner was Pat Fisher with second and third prizes going to Joyce Brand and Sue Jones.

After formal business was completed, a buffet supper was served and members were entertained by the Pearlies Entertainment Group, in their traditional pearly costumes. The two couples had a magnificent array of props, both to wear and play. We thoroughly enjoyed their medley of songs to which we all sang along.

Club day out on Saturday 22nd July - We shall be visiting the garden at Old Church House, Wantage and Waterpenny Gardens near Oxford. The latter was once the first horticultural college for women. Pick-up points will be 8am Woolmer Farm; 8.20am Martinslade; The Bell 8.30am; The Stocks 8.45am; Devizes 9am. We aim to arrive at Old Church House at 10.30am. We are allowed to picnic there, but there is also a café in the Tourist Office and Gallery/museum nearby, plus pubs and other cafes. We have to leave Wantage at 1.15pm in order to arrive at Waterpenny at 2pm. We aim to leave Waterpenny at 5.30pm to return home by 7pm. If you have any queries, phone Sue Johns on 828777.

Many thanks to those who provided such a good spread of food for the AGM.

Joyce Brand


15th June - 7.45pm in the Pavilion, Seend. Angela Thompson, from Fabulous Fuchsias Nursery, Ledbury. This is her first visit to our group and will be talking on “Standards and Encliandras”.


23rd June at Devizes Corn Exchange from 10am-2pm. A wide range of information and ideas for the over 50’s but all ages welcome. Free admission, free light bulbs, free refreshments!


Thank you everyone from Seend, Seend Cleeve and Sells Green who gave their time and effort to collect for the Life Boats. In the village, you collected £370.46. The Flag Day in Devizes raised £1,094.01 of which £239.11 was collected by people from the Seend area.

We achieved two ‘firsts’ this year. The Devizes flag day raised over £1,000 and the flag day and village collections combined raised over £5,000. This was an excellent result - thank you all once again.

Bob McCulloch


Known to some as Andrew, to others as Andy, to others as Dobbin and to others again as Dobb. By whichever name, ATW is certainly and deservedly a well known resident of Seend. The reasons for his standing are not hard to find. He was born in Seend, his schooling was in Seend and, apart from a brief and, I suspect reluctant, spell at George Ward, he has lived all his life in the Lye. He played football for Seend, until discretion prevailed over valour. He married Lou, a Seend girl. He has skittled for Seend, and now captains for Seend B. He has supported the club through and through both as patron and committee member. He has tended the playing fields for more than 25 years. The days that he is absent from Seend in any one year can be counted almost on the fingers of one hand.

There is another strong attachment which is not shared by many others. He has always worked in Seend and seldom does his work take him beyond the parish boundaries. He knows every field and every copse. He knows many gardens, having been invited in to lop an overgrown tree or trim an unruly hedge. He first hears the cuckoo and he knows where the birds are nesting. Apart from those rare days of absence he tends his live stock on every single day of the year except Christmas Day. He started on this course the day he left school. This month marks the 25th anniversary of that beginning.

ATW is a modest man who has never sought the limelight. I, who have worked with him through these years, know his qualities better than most. He will not be happy when he discovers this publicity in Seend’s only periodical. I trust that it will not persuade him to change his employment or leave the village.

Mathew Thorpe

This is a great tribute to a local man. The editors of Spotlight would welcome similar tributes to any characters of Seend and Bulkington. We don’t have to wait until people have died to say how great and interesting they are!


At last the weather seems a little brighter – well it does today, who knows what it will be like tomorrow. Lets hope that we can look forward to warmer days, turning off the central heating and disposing (for a short while) with the hot water bottle! Thank you to everyone who has sent me contributions this month, it seems that the boys enjoyed the game of Football and it wouldn’t surprise me if they enjoyed the antics of that mischievous little puppy too! I think I know who he is, but he’ll remain anonymous. I’m sure Mrs Laycock would have been really proud of everyone who took part in the tournament. If you still have a donation you would like to make towards the running of Spotlight, please post your envelope through my door – 1, Northfields, or you can also put your envelope through the Rectory letter box. Due to illness and work commitments some envelopes were not collected. Next Year we hope to have a better system in place. I would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to Jill Topp who collected quite a number of envelopes for me at such short notice – you’re a brick!

Jo Bell

Church Cleaning

1st – 15th Mrs A McDonald
16th – 30th Mrs J. Raby-Cox

Church Flowers

4th &11th Mrs McDonald
18th & 25th Mrs Elliott

Thank you and well done to all the ladies who decorated the Church for Easter, you really excelled yourselves!

Mother’s Union – Keevil and Bulkington

There are two dates for your dairies this month:-
On Saturday 24th June there will be a Deanery Cream tea at North Bradley and on Wednesday 28th June at 7.30pm in Keevil Village Hall there will be entertainment by ‘Tinkers Bag’ followed by Supper. Proceeds will go to the Children’s Society. If you would like to attend any of the above functions or you need further information, please contact Dorothy Tyler (870340) who I’m sure will be pleased to give you any further help or information.

Parish Council – Summary of Annual Parish Meeting held on 5th April 2006

Financial Report by Parish Clerk – The Parish Council’s position seems sound enough, with more money being carried forward this year after several years when this figure crept down. Much less VAT was paid than in 2004/5, and the repayment from that year increased Receipts, but Payments rose as the Parish Council met the national increase in the Clerk’s salary. But the balance including reserves is still below the annual Precept and much lower than some years ago, so careful management is needed to build it up, plus energetic fund-raising for any capital projects – the Village Hall has shown what can be done.

Questions and comments:

• Spotlight should be referred to as a village magazine, as it does not cover Poulshot which is the third part of the Church of England Parish.
• Who is going to take over cutting the grass round the Cross and Pond area? Jim Elliott is having another knee operation, perhaps Rick Gower who is doing the Churchyard for him might be able to do this work as well.
• Cllr Swabey – who was present at the meeting – said that she is working hard on traffic problems in her ward, but she fears they are often the fault of drivers rather than road conditions. She will pass on contact details for the WCC and WWDC Grants Officers.
• It was noted that it had been a very long time since there had been a Police Patrol in the village – Cllr Barnett said the system of regular visits had stopped.

Bulkington ‘Fun Day’,’Party in the Park’ & Scarecrow Trail – 1st – 2nd July

The theme for the SCARECROW TRAIL is Children’s Books. At least 20 displays will be scattered around the village, so why not come along and see if you can identify them? The trail begins in the playing field along Wickleaze Lane and the competition runs on Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd July from 10am to 4.30pm each day. There will be a cash prize for the winner.

On Saturday there will be many fun items taking place in the playing field. In the morning we have Tug O’ War (over the brook), a Duck Race (in the brook) and a Fun Run (around the brook) plus ‘Keep Fit’.
Saturday afternoon, the fete will be opened at 2pm by the Village Princess. There will be the usual VILLAGE FETE attractions and Nev will be running his popular little engines at Mill Croft.

Saturday evening there will be a PARTY IN THE PARK, where Bulkington stages its own Village Idol and Karaoke, followed by an evening of live jazz and a spot of dancing to round off the day. Bring your own picnic and candelabra and cross your fingers for a dry evening. If haven’t been sold a ticket, they will be available on the gate from 7pm at £5 for adults and £2.50 for children under 16.

Teas will be available in the refreshment tent throughout the weekend. The Tipsy Toad will be open all day on Saturday and also providing another bar in the playing field until late Saturday evening.
All monies raised will be passed to Bulkington Parochial Church Council. We look forward to seeing you. Fete Committee

Bulkington Triangular Soccer Tournament

The weather forecast promised us dry and bright, however on the morning it was grey and overcast. The soccer on the other hand was energetic, accurate and I hope a joy to watch. There were some outstanding individual performances but overall the teams from Seend, Semington and Keevil Schools all played very well with Seend being the winners of this first triangular Tournament. There were some funny moments, especially the attempt to join in by a local puppy, who shall remain nameless, and lots of fun trying to catch him. Thanks that need to be made are to Andy Vick the organiser, Huw Jones the ref, Tim, Mark and Ian for their help on Friday and Bob and Marina Webb for their help on the day. Thank you also to all the parents who came along to support and to the local companies that made a donation. The tournament raised £80 for Friends of Keevil School. Josh Dobson, Captain Keevil School Football Team.

Thank you to 4 Northfields.

The Parish Council would like to extend their thanks to Anne and Maureen for the gift of the bulbs which they no longer require. Hopefully next year the village will be awash with colour! Philip Coles, Chairman.


Mrs Mo Laycock, our head teacher, sadly passed away on Monday 8th May after a brief battle against cancer. Mrs Laycock was head teacher of Keevil School for over ten years and leaves a legacy of creating a wonderful learning environment for all of the pupils that came to her school. Mrs Laycock was highly respected and active in the local community and will be dearly missed by all of her pupils, their families and her friends. See further tribute from Liz Futter below.

F.O.K.S. (Friends of Keevil School)

Plant Sale and Craft Fayre – What a response we had to our Plant Sale and Craft Fayre! The weather was absolutely perfect and as well as getting a sun tan, the Sale went incredibly well, making this our best one yet! Thank you to all who came along and made the morning so enjoyable and profitable.

A Tribute to Mo Laycock

It was a sad start to the Summer Term when we heard that Mo, our Headteacher at Keevil School, had been taken ill with cancer. It was devastating news to learn of her death on Monday May 8th. She was Headteacher for 12 years, building the school up from 30 pupils to well over 60. Being conscious that it was a small school, she was keen to broaden the experience of the children by linking up with other small schools for music projects, sports, games and competitions. Just before Easter she took her class, with a few children from a very small school, on a residential week in Dorset, where they learnt a wide range of new skills, and had a really good time.
She was good fun and always on for a challenge. She even went on a game show on Saturday morning TV.

The children will tell you that her favourite lesson was maths. She had a real
buzz for it, and pupils used to come in from other schools for her special lessons for high flyers.

In the Summer she took the children to all the local fetes doing their Maypole dancing. The joy of their lively songs at our Mothering Sunday and Harvest services will be one of Bulkington’s happy memories.

This talented, hard working and caring teacher will be greatly missed by the children, staff, parents, Governors and friends of the school.
We will each hold on to our own special memories and say, ‘thank you Mo, it has been a pleasure to be part of your journey’.

Liz Futter.

10K Road Race & Family Fun Day – Keevil Airfield – Saturday 3rd June

Race Times: Main Race 11am. Children’s races from 1pm. Application forms and booking information is available online via our website – it’s not too late to have a go! Visit or You can also call 07980 150627 and speak to our Race Coordinators for any information you require, or you can email us on Gates open at 9.30am. This is a family fun day and we have many attractions to entertain you and your families. Children’s and family entertainment and refreshments will be available for the duration. We are still looking for volunteers to help with the Keevil 10k run. This is a large event and you can be of great help by either offering your services as a marshal or ‘behind the scenes’ on the day. If you are free, come along to an official briefing for all volunteer staff which will be held on Monday 22nd May at 8pm at the school. If you require further details on any of the above, please contact Debbie Scott on 01380 870410 or Keevil School on 10380 870376 or any FOKS member.

From your new LPA

I would like to say ‘Thank You’ to the very special people who have helped me during my training to be an LPA. The Rector and Bulkington PCC had to nominate me first before starting training. The course consisted of 15 training sessions held fortnightly in Devizes. These sessions covered many different subjects involving Pastoral Care followed by thought, discussion, prayer and homework. To help me during my training I had a Support Group who met once a month to discuss together issues that had risen during the tutorials. They helped me not only with the homework, but also gave me encouragement and the benefit of their experience. So I must say to them, Andrea, Brian, Liz, Audrey, Pam and Sacha, a heartfelt ‘thank you’. Thanks must also go to Brenda who helped me enormously with a subject which was proving difficult. There are two families in Bulkington who allowed me to visit them during my training, I cannot name them– due to confidentiality – but they too deserve my thanks, and I hope that they will allow me to carry on visiting them in the future.

My commissioning will take place at 7.30pm on Thursday 8th June in St James, Devizes. It would be lovely if you could perhaps find time to attend the service, or to just think of me on that day. I am looking forward to starting my ministry among you all. Once commissioned my ‘phone number will be in the front of ‘Spotlight’ next to Audrey’s, and I will be happy to visit anyone in the Benefice who feels lonely, troubled, or would just like a chat. Be assured that anything discussed will be treated with the greatest confidence. God bless you all, with love, Jo.


The Village Hall Committee was invited to attend a presentation by Trowbridge Town Council at the Annual Town Meeting & Town Gathering on 25th April 2006. The Chairman, Nev Boulton and his wife Thelma who represented the committee were presented to Town Mayor Councillor Arthur Ransom who presented them with a certificate for ‘Service to the Community’.

The Town Crier read out the following citation: -"Against threatened closure and the need to raise £14,000, this committee with the help of the local community pulled together, pooled skills and resources to battle against all odds in order to restore their village hall. With inventive fund raising and a real community spirit they successfully carried out all the work with only a £1000 grant from Community First. The Village Hall Committee was able to show exactly what can be achieved when a community joins forces and works as one towards a common goal".

Nev Boulton


Dear Spotlight Readers

I am researching my Family Tree which has given me another interest since I had a Stroke at the age of 47. I am wondering if the following letter would be of interest to your readers and also may give me a new line of enquiry.

"My name is Brian Robinson and I live in Ramsgate, Kent. I am researching my Family Tree and have found my great great Grandmother came from Seend. Her name was ESTHER ELIZABETH HAYTER born c 1822.

Unfortunately I have no other details of her family. In 1856 she married George William BRAIN who was born in Brampton, Oxfordshire. The marriage took place in London and it appears from Census Records, they were domiciled there until their deaths in 1904. I know that with the passage of time, it is more than likely the trail has gone cold but if anyone has any information regarding Esther or would have time to look up the relevent records, perhaps they would be so kind as to email me at reptile1515@aol,com or write to me at 15, North Avenue, Ramsgate, Kent. CT11 9BT. I would be so very grateful. Thank you".

Brian Robinson


2 June 2006


Page Last Updated: 2 June 2006

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