A piece of doggerel, well known to many people, goes thus:
The Spring is sprung,
The grass is ris,
I wonder where the boidies is,
They say the boids is on the wing,
But that’s absoid,
The wings is on the boid!
Although this bit of verse may not really be up to the standard and quality of William Wordsworth’s verse that adorns this month’s cover, in its own style, it does tell us that Spring is on its way.
Writing as a person who is now somewhat past the first flush of youth, (I still have my own teeth though), I probably feel much the same as many older people and now find winters to be uncomfortable. They seem to be drab, dreary and cold and they also seem to last longer than those of earlier years. However, Spring makes me forget all of my problems and it is a strong source of revitalisation.
Robert Browning perhaps summed it up with his poem “Home Thoughts From Abroad.”
Oh to be in England now that April’s there,
And whoever wakes in England sees some morning unaware,
That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
Round the elm tree bole are in tiny leaf,
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough,
In England – now.
Seend Churchyard is host to its usual profusion of primroses, crocuses and various other flowers. Much pleasure was obtained from the early arrivals such as snowdrops. We can happily anticipate hedge growth and tree blossom and the ever hopeful gardener is confident that this year, the seeds that he sows will be at least as productive as those that appear on the seed catalogues.
Just as each winter seems to be a little more depressing than the last, the progressive signs of each Spring appear to be more beautiful than ever before.
It was with great sadness that we said farewell to Peter Wyre who died on the 10th February in the RUH, Bath after a debilitating illness. His funeral took place on the 17th February at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Devizes.
Peter served in the Royal Air Force during the war and was a keen and active
member of our Branch of the RBL, always ready to support, encourage and take
part in any event, in spite of physical handicap in recent years. He will be
remembered for his sterling work over many years as a senior member of Air Traffic
Control, for his staunch support as Chairman of the Devizes Branch of the RNLI,
for his involvement in Village activities, for his delightfully dry sense of
humour but above all, by his friends, for his courage in adversity.
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Shirley and the Family.
It is regretted that the visit to the Museum on 22nd April has had to be cancelled, as not enough people were available to go to make it worthwhile or cost effective.
On Saturday, 14th May commencing at 7.30p.m. in the Social Club, “The
DS BIG BAND” will play music from the ‘40s and ‘50s made famous
by such legends as Glen Miller, Artie Shaw, Joe Loss, Duke Ellington, Tommy
Dorsey and others, which did so much to bolster morale throughout and after
the difficult war years.
The Band, consisting of 18 musicians and accompanying vocalists, is one of the
finest of the Big Bands and has recently received great acclaim when they appeared
at the Theatre Royal in Bath. They will play between 8.00p.m. and 10.45p.m.
and there will be an interval of approximately 45 minutes during which time
supper will be served.
Tickets at £10.00 per head can be obtained from The Social Club, The Post
Office, Peter Fisher (828305), Nigel Knocker (828609), Anthony Hodgkinson (828545)
or Roger Brind (828830).
Please earmark this date in your diary and give it your support, whether you are a member of the Royal British Legion or not. A dancing area will be available for those who wish to “trip the light fantastic” and we hope that at least 100 people will attend to celebrate this historic anniversary.
The next Committee Meeting will be held in The Seend Social Club Upper Room on Thursday, 14th April, 2005 at 7.30p.m. All Committee Members are requested to attend.
I have been informed by Dorothy House and Wiltshire Blind Association that they have received by way of Miriam’s Thanksgiving Service (including direct remittances) the sum of £729.21p. and £479.21p. respectively.
My family and I wish to express our deep felt gratitude for the generous donations made to Miriam’s nominated charities.
4th April – Lady Day: There will be said Evensong at 5.00p.m. in the Church of The Holy Cross, Seend.
Our Next meeting will be on 20th April. This will be a Guest Eucharist Service at 2.30p.m. in the Church of The Holy Cross. Invited guests will include members of the Deanery Mothers Union and friends from the village. The Guest Preacher will be the Deanery Chaplin, the Revd. J. Hiscox.
The Service will be followed by tea in the Pavilion.
A REMINDER that this is on Saturday, 23rd April in the Pavilion at 7.30p.m. This is going to be a fun evening with prizes to be won, supper and a licensed bar. Make up a table with your friends. There still might be some tickets for sale so contact Bob Howe on 828554, Sylvia Ewin on 828325 or the Post Office. Don’t delay.
The piano in the Irene Usher Hall is tired and playing its last tune.
If anyone has a piano they would like to donate, we would be very grateful.
As expected, John Girvan provided us with an interesting evening and we all know a lot more now about what’s underneath Devizes! We came away fortified with cheese and wine, some of us armed with copies of John’s latest book.
Our next get-together will be a Quiz Night in the Village Hall on Thursday, 31st March, and in April come and join us for a gentle spring walk in bluebell woods.
We are an informal group and meet on the last Thursday of each month. Ladies are welcome to join us either occasionally or regularly. For more information, please telephone Geraldine on 828664.
There will be a Lady Day Service at Sherborne Abbey. Coach leaves Trowbridge at 9.15a.m.. For more details contact Dorothy Tyler on 870 340.
Wednesday, 27th April – 10.30a.m.
Our meeting at Manor Farm, Keevil when our guest speaker, Mr. Ken Ainsworth, will give a talk on ‘Wiltshire Farm Foods’.
Church Flowers:
Sunday 10th, 17th & 24th April - Mrs. Elliott.
Church Cleaning:
April - Mrs. M. Jones.
The Annual General Meeting of the Parochial Church Council will take place on Sunday, 10th April at 7.00p.m., following Evensong in the Church.
Coffee Morning:
If you fancy a lovely cup of coffee, chat and a chance to win a super raffle prize, then pop into Liz Futter’s on Wednesday, 20th April at 10.30a.m, 4 Mill Lane, Bulkington (next to Village Hall, where its all happening for Church funds. See you there!
Something is stirring in Bulkington! On the fourth Sunday of each month, we are experimenting with our evening service to try and introduce something new which will appeal to a wider section of the community. We need your help with some ideas. Can anyone in either parish suggest a format or theme which they think people would enjoy, particularly young people and children. Holy Communion will be offered at each service, but from there, we are open to any suggestions however revolutionary and a different theme or pattern will be used each month until we run out of ideas. If you have a suggestion, please mention it to Rev. Sacha Pearce (828615) or Audrey McDonald (828376), Liz Futter (828485) or Andrea Dobson (827126), To start the ball rolling, on 24th April at 6.00p.m. the service will be a Songs of Praise.
Do you have a favourite hymn? If so, please contact Andrea Dobson by 10th April or enter the details on the list at the back of Christ Church together with any reason for your request. Perhaps the hymn was sung at your wedding.
We are also looking for enthusiastic singers to join our choir at the evening service on 22nd May to sing spirituals and gospel songs. This service will be held on the Church Lawn (in the church if wet) and will be followed by a ploughman’s supper and retiring collection. Liz Futter is the talent spotter for the choir and rehearsals should be fun, so if you can hold a note in tune then please offer your voice to Liz. Thank you.
Bob and Marina Webb would like to thank everyone who supported their Coffee Morning last month. Thanks to your generosity a total of £85.00 was raised for Church funds.
The AGM is on Thursday, 14th April in the Pavilion at 8.00p.m. It would be appreciated if all Volunteers could attend this meeting. This is a Charity Commission requirement to enable the Scheme to continue for another year, and also the means to keep volunteers up to date on Link Scheme matters that relate to them.
This is a social evening as well, and we would welcome anyone who wants to give a little of their time for the benefit of others in the village, to come along and find out what being a volunteer is all about.
With the whole of the Diocese, our Benefice are planning to join with parishes, schools and communities across the Diocese to take part in an exciting mission project called “The Aldhelm Way”.
Saint Aldhelm was a teacher evangelist and Abbot Malmsbury, who was appointed the first Bishop of Sherborne in 705 AD. 2005 is therefore, the 1300th anniversary of his consecration.
To celebrate this important date, the Diocese has organised a series of special events including a 5-day pilgrimage which will culminate in an outdoor celebration on 4th June at St. Aldhelm’s Head near Swanage in Dorset with the Archbishop of Canterbury as guest preacher.
Here in our benefice we are planning to support this event by arranging a coach or minibus on 4th June in order that you can either join in the walk, or just partake in the celebration at St. Aldhelm’s Head to hear the Archbishop preach.
Let’s make it a special day by taking a picnic lunch and praying for
good weather.
Names of interested people to the Rector (828615) or Audrey McDonald (828376)
by the end of April.
On Thursday, 7th April, the W.I. members are going to Dauntsey School to see the production of “Kiss me Kate” which is being performed by Devizes Light Operatic Society.
April 13th is the Seend W.I. AGM and Social Evening including a Quiz. The competition is for “An Easter Bonnet”.
A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who gave so generously to our Raffle
on Panto Night (Friday’s performance). We raised over £100; much
needed for School funds.
Also, ‘Thank You’ to Dennis Frith who helped enormously and showed
us ‘the ropes’. Thanks again.
As many of you know, Mrs. Ramsay, the School’s long-serving Head Teacher will be leaving at the end of this School year.
To mark this occasion, the PSC has agreed to fund part 2 of the timber trail (outdoor activity apparatus) which children of all ages can enjoy.
Seend’s very own Neolithic Man, Andrew Ward (one of our school children’s parent), has offered to help raise money by running a half marathon (13.1 miles) in the above event on 1st May, 2005, which is organised by the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. He will be running from Charlton Clump to Stonehenge. Being an Army man, this should be no problem at all!!
We need as many sponsors as possible to support him in order to gain much-needed funds for the School. During the Easter holidays, there will be sponsorship forms all over the village, including the Post Office.
Please support this worthy cause. Thank You.
May 1st: May Day: International Labour Day; World Phone-in-Sick Day (yes, really!); Birthday of Judy Collins and Glen Ford; public holiday in Argentina; AND start of the new 100+ Club year!!
A re-subscription letter is in the post to all current members, but if you are not a member, please take a little time to read the enclosed article “What is the 100+ Club”. If you are thus persuaded to sign up, do so using the tear-off strip provided.
It costs £15 per year, which will not only buy you entry to the monthly
prize draw, but will also provide a valuable contribution to the maintenance
of the village-owned Lye Field and Pavilion. Don’t delay, Sign up today!
For more information, contact me on 828391 or email me at bjprolze@uko2.co.uk.
April is here, the Fete is less than 5 months away and the new committee is rapidly gaining experience. However, we are still seeking Tombola prizes, and here we must rely on your generosity. Look around the house for that special something that would be the perfect prize – for somebody else. We will gladly look after it until Fete day when it can then be safely passed on to it’s new owner. Call Bernie Prolze on 828391 or Neil Yockney on 827139 and we will rush round and collect it.
We are also seeking volunteers to help out on the various stalls on Fete Day. If you can offer just one hour sometime during the afternoon to assist on a stall, it will give a busy stall-team member a much needed break and an opportunity to enjoy a few of the many attractions the Fete has to offer. If you feel you can offer one hour call Sonja Nicholls on 828535 who is this year’s Stalls co-ordinator; she will be very happy to add your name to the volunteer list.
At our March meeting, Tony Titchen gave a full account of most of the trees that have been discovered on the Tyntesfield estate. Due to neglect before the property was acquired by the National Trust, many are in a sad state and some were affecting the property itself. Some have been cleared, particularly from around the Chapel, but most of the valuable and rare trees have been saved or propagation from them has been undertaken. After much research, it is evident that both the Gibbs family (the Bransoms of their day) and other local wealthy land owners used the Veitch nursery of Devon and their plant hunters to provide their estate with new and unusual trees and shrubs, so that many of the same imported species, are , or have been growing, on these estates. These specimens are now from 150 to 200 years old.
When terraces and statuary have been made safe, there will be guided tours around the grounds. This will include, not just the immediate vicinity of the house, but also the “Pleasure” grounds and “The Paradise Garden”, which are very extensive. Tony Titchen is training these guides, so they will know the names of all these unusual specimens.
Our thanks to Heather Hyde for kindly judging the entries for the Club’s Spring Flower Show. The winners of the various classes were Anne Salter, Audrey and Tony Hill, Sylvia Ewin and Joyce Brand. Thank you to the many who entered in spite of miserable weather, to make such an attractive show.
Next month’s meeting is the A.G.M. & Social on Tuesday, 12th April in the Pavilion at 7.30p.m. Old hands will know that this is an enjoyable evening. The business part of the proceedings are kept to a minimum and the rest of the time, we enjoy ourselves. Many members have offered to bring assorted plates of food. Wine, coffee or tea will be available; don’t have supper before you come! Any further contributions will be most welcome.
Two tickets are available for the Chelsea Flower Show on Thursday, 26th May @ £26 each; this is less expensive than the price to the general public. Contact Joyce on 828433.
Thursday, 9th June: evening visit to Bencroft House organised by the Wiltshire Gardens Trust. Only six tickets are available to the Club, so there will be a ballot amongst those who were interested in going.
Saturday, 30th July: Day trip to see Hinton Ampner and The Chantry, Winchester. The cost will be £12.50 for the coach. Bring your National Trust card for entry to Hinton Ampner. If not a member, entry will be £6. You can bring a picnic or lunch in Winchester. Tea will be available. Details of pick-up times will be in a later issue of Spotlight.
Saturday, 3rd September: A visit is proposed to the National
Amateur Gardening Show at the Bath & West Show ground at Shepton Mallet.
This Show has an excellent reputation. The visit is open to members and friends.
A list will be out at the next meeting or let Tony know (828397). The cost for
coach and entry will be £20.
Hopefully all the above will give you inspiration in the garden and be pleasurable
Anyone interested in joining the Club and playing tennis this year should contact Ric Ellinger on 828683. Matches will start at the end of April, so get those rackets out and dusted off!!
Coaching, 2005:
Just to let you know that tennis coaching is starting again on Tuesday, 12th
April. Carl Orlans will once again be looking after the coaching which will
be from 4.00-5.00p.m., 5.00-6.00p.m., 6.00-7.00p.m. during April. We hope to
add an extra hour (for the adults) if light permits in May.
If you would like to attend, please turn up for the same session as last year and Carl will sort you out.
Once again this year, a voucher system will be used and this year, vouchers will be available from the Village Shop. The cost of the session will be £3.50 per hour, the same price as last year. Please buy your vouchers from the Shop before your coaching sessions.
Purportedly taken from church newspapers :
“The Church is starting a New Young Mothers’ Group. Anyone desiring to be a new young mother is to meet with the Pastor in his office.”
“Miss C …. M …. sang “I will not Pass this way Again” giving obvious pleasure to the congregation”.
“Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don’t forget your husbands.”
Recently there have been a number of crimes in Seend village. These range from
petty damage to serious theft/burglary. I would like to remind you that I am
more than pleased to receive any information regarding suspicious incidents
or vehicles, etc. Alternatively, please let your local neighbourhood watch know
so that they may update me. I would also like to offer some general crime prevention
advice, such as not to leave vehicles insecure or any valuables in vehicles.
Always remember to lock front and back doors even if you are only out for five
minutes. If you are going away let a neighbour know and ask them to keep an
eye open for you. If you would like any further crime prevention advice, please
do not hesitate to contact me. PC 1603 Anne DEUCHARS, Devizes Police Station.
01380 722141
Email: Anne.Deuchars@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk
21 walkers attended the walk organised by Jill Godwin and Marion Salter on Sunday, 20th February, which commenced from Steeple Ashton Church. Sunshine prevailed after a frosty night. We were fortunate in siting a family of deer, who were obviously disturbed by low flying aircraft performing parachute drops over Keevil air field. The “Coffin” walk, as it is known, took us over fields, tracks and country lanes for a circular distance of 5 miles. A most enjoyable walk for which we thank both Jill and Marion.
Sunday, 3rd April, at 3.00p.m. will be our Annual General Meeting in
the Pavilion.
Will members please note that 2005 subscriptions will be due at this meeting
and because of rising costs, I.e: liability insurance and Affiliated Rambling
Fees, it has been deemed necessary to increase the membership to £5 per
person. (Still I think you will agree excellent value)!
Please try and make it along to this very short and informal meeting. Enjoy a ‘cuppa’ and slice of cake; receive a list of walks and events which have been organised by your committee for coming term.
And of course, this above meeting will be preceeded with a short walk around the village, commencing Rusty Lane at 1.30p.m. Colin Waldeck will arrange and lead the walk.
Sunday, 17th April: - meet at Rusty Lane 9.30a.m. For a walk to commence West Yatton, near Yatton Keynell. Distance: 5½ miles undulating countryside. There will be a coffee stop. Leaders: Reg Cox and Wendy Miller.
Don’t miss the next Rural Arts Wiltshire event – “Spindle Wayfarer” telling stories from the Wild Wood on Saturday, 9th April, at 7.30p.m. in the Pavilion. Their storytelling is aimed at adults but will also appeal to older children. We’ve already sold a number of tickets to people who have seen them once and want to see them again! Tickets are £6 (£3 for children, full time students, people with disabilities and people on benefits) or £15 for a family ticket for two adults and two children.
Refreshments will be available in the interval, or, if you want something stronger,
bring your own wine or beer and glasses! Any proceeds go towards the upkeep
of the Pavilion and Lye Field. Tickets are available at the Shop and Post Office,
or ring Tessa on 01380 828617.
P.S: If you’d like to donate a raffle prize, please ring Tessa.
Seend Shuttle III is in the pipeline, so watch this space!
In the meantime, do use Seend Shuttle II to get to the Post Office on Mondays, Melksham on Tuesdays and Melksham or Devizes on Thursdays. It saves you hassle, parking fees and wear and tear on your own car! For the timetable of scheduled services, see Seend Shuttle Pages.
And don’t forget the first Wednesday of the month for shopping trips to Bath or Salisbury. Please ‘phone Terry on 828203 for details.
Singles Skittles - Saturday, 2nd April:
Always a great fun night and another chance for honours at Seend Social Club
with the singles skittles competition – Ladies and Gents. Get your name
on the list.
Saturday, 16th April is Show Night - Staying Alive:
Back by popular demand, this BEE Gees tribute band is first class entertainment
– if you didn’t get there first time round, you may already have
missed out this time!!! Tickets are virtually sold out, but speak to Sam Sainsbury
as soon as possible in case he has any returns. Members £11, non Members
Saturday, 30th April, 2005 - Seend Beer Festival:
This will be Seend’s 5th Beer Festival and it just goes from strength
to strength - this year the selection of beers is being increased to over 30,
including a range of ciders; and as always there will be plenty of live entertainment
– we have secured the excellent Outhouse Critics once again, but this
time for the evening session and the afternoon will feature a fantastic contemporary
folk band called ’Black Sheep’
The pig man has promised not to run out of buns and there will be more variety
of food on offer.
Come along – you know it’ll be a good one – it’s an
event in Seend’s calendar that is not to be missed.
Club Dinner - Saturday, 21st May, 2005:
A great night out in great company. Come and celebrate a momentous year for
Seend Social Club. Making their debut at Seend Social Club ’All Shook
Up’ promise to give us some fantastic entertainment, whether you want
to get up and dance or just sing along!
Tickets available from Seend Social Club – 01380 828796.
Looking for a Venue?
As many of you will know, the Club is a fantastic venue for parties, christenings and weddings, etc. and provides great value for money. If you are interested in making a booking, please contact Stan Wiltshire on 01380 828559 for availability and prices.
Last year Spotlight expenditure exceeded income by £494.
Income: £3,312
Expenditure: £3,806
£ (494)
The reasons for this go back two previous years when the printing machine
had to be replaced. It was obsolete and replacement parts were no longer available.
Some twelve months later a stapling and folding machine was also purchased.
Some of the payment for these machines came from reserves and the remainder
was borrowed. These debts have now been repaid but the Spotlight reserves are
now exhausted.
However, although all Spotlight labour is voluntary it will shortly be necessary
to purchase more stocks which are mainly paper and ink.
This is the time of the year for the annual collection and envelopes are enclosed. Please give generously to enable Spotlight to return to a profitable position.
In the issue for March, Spotlight asked readers for suggestions that might help the magazine to become more interesting and helpful to readers. One suggestions that has appeal is to feature personalities who have contributed to our societies in Bulkington and Seend.
In recent years a lot of people have moved into our area and hopefully, they
will be aware of the many activities open to them. However, they will probably
be unaware of how, and by whom, the activities were started and how they continue
to thrive.
The idea is to give a brief background of appropriate people and then report
on their contribution to local affairs. Watch this space.
Last month we gave some useful telephone numbers of Clubs and here are
one or two more to add to the list:
Royal British Legion. Mr. R. Brind. 828830.
Neighbourhood Watch (Seend). Mr. A. Hodgkinson. 828545.
Neighbourhood Watch (Seend Cleeve). Mr. C. Jennings. 828457.