The subject of genetically modified foods raises strong emotions and passions in many people and makes them fearful of what consequences such foods may bring. Although they may have been without true knowledge and understanding of the subject, some people have behaved unlawfully and destroyed trial crops. One can understand people re-acting out of fear but what if those trials had resulted in grain and vegetable crops that could produce bountiful yields from such as desert sands? Think what a difference this could make to the hungry people of the world.
For a lengthy period of time two men from Seend have been very quietly and secretly experimenting with plant genetics and have now developed two strains which have satisfied all of the tests that have been applied by all government ministries. Very well known in Seend for the quality of their gardening, these two men, Joe and Walter, have been given the privileges of naming their creations. From the first day of this month the Government Seend Register will contain the names of Hernius Giganticus Tomate and Seend Green Cabapple Tree and next year, such seeds will be available in the shops.
Fearful that some people may have tried to destroy his project, Joe was able to keep his work from the public eye by building a bigger greenhouse where one whole side could be opened for the ultimate removal of his produce. He said that he white-washed the glass to reduce the glare from the sun but in reality, this was to keep it out of the public gaze. The tomato has remarkable keeping qualities. Mid-way through February, Joe cut one of the tomatoes in half and although he and his entire family have been eating from it daily, over half of the tomato remains. Without refrigeration it is still as fresh as when first cut.
It was harder for Walter to keep his project out of public sight. Standing
some ten feet high and still growing, it is obviously an out-door plant. Walter’s
deception was to say that he was growing a cabbage walking stick and of course,
although everybody knows that there is no such plant, they did not argue in
case they were wrong. When eaten, the resulting cabapples have a nice cabbage
taste. The cabapples also produce a nicely flavoured wine. Cuttings from the
leaves of the cabapple yield a nice apple flavour. (See centre pages).....
The Seend Mother’s Union enjoyed the talk given by the Revd. Derek Frost
at the February meeting about altar frontals and vestments. Revd. Frost brought
along his vestments and told us their names and how they are worn.
At our next meeting it will be a Guest Evensong and tea on the 21st April at 2.30p.m. The preacher will be our Deanery Chaplin the Revd. David Gill.
The corporate communion will be on the 28th April at 9.45a.m.
The speaker at the March meeting was Mr. R. Guy who showed many slides of “History,
customs and life on Jersey” including slides of the war years and the
annual Flower Festival. It was a very interesting evening and enjoyed by all.
The competition “Spring Flowers” was won by Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell
The meeting on the 14th April will be the AGM with Bring and Buy stall.
The competition is “A Photograph of a W.I. event in any year.
Please Note:The new telephone No. for Mrs. Judith Dakin (President W.I) is 01380 736358
On Saturday, 8th May, local entertainer/singer Steve “Biff” Byfield
will be appearing at Seend Social Club. The event starts at 8.00p.m. and profits
will go to Seend School to help with the purchase of equipment for the children.
Tickets cost £7.50 – the price includes a ploughman’s supper
– and are on sale at the Social Club, the Shop and the School. Look out
for the posters.
Come and join us at the Pavilion for the Playgroup children’s Easter Bonnet
Parade around the Millennium Garden and watch as they hunt for Easter eggs.
Hot Cross Buns, Easter Biscuits and tea/coffee will be provided as well as the
usual cake stall.
Easter Waste Collection:
Waste normally collected on Tuesday, 13th April will be collected on Wednesday, 14th April: Normally collected on Thursday, 15th April will be collected on Friday, 16th April. Please ensure waste is presented before 8.00a.m. on the collection day at the kerbside in disposable containers (black bags) and that glass and other sharp objects are adequately wrapped to prevent injury to collectors. Garden waste should be placed in the official Council garden waste bags which can be purchased at Seend Post Office.
Bulkington Ladies Group:
It was eyes down for a full house for the ladies in February in the newly refurbished
Village Hall and the meeting in March was a Chocoholics evening.
Meetings are held (usually) on the last Wednesday of each month. Forthcoming events: April, Archery; and a walk with the entertaining Mr. John Girvan, local historian (May). Our provisional programme for 2004 also includes a Ladies Night at Bath Races and a tour of Wadworth Brewery.
New ladies are always very welcome to join us, either on a regular or occasional basis.
Bulkington Village Hall AGM.
On the 1st March the AGM was held in the recently refurbished Village Hall.
With nearly every seat filled and some 40 people present, the Chairman gave
his annual report and thanked all the people who had supported the committee
and helped to re-build the floor. The outgoing Chairman and committee then stood
down. Rob Thornton did not stand for re-election due to the pressure of work.
An election was conducted by the outgoing Chairman (Mr.D.W.Reynolds) and a committee consisting of Nev & Thelma Boulton, Tony Bradford, Gill Breach, Rosie Forsey, Anne Morgan, David Reynolds, David Stirling, Jill Topp and Phyl Yarde were elected unanimously.
The people present were then invited to inspect the hall and to sup a glass of wine (or coffee) and watch a video presentation which showed photographs of the work in progress and decoration of the hall.
The Great Bulkington Railway:
On 17th February a party of 15 Russian girls (about 8 years old) from Chernobyl
visited. They rode around behind two steam engines on the railway for a couple
of hours and then were royally entertained by the ladies of Bulkington (led
by Liz Futter) to a party in the Village Hall. They come from a very poor area
and much of the land and crops are radio-active. We were going to give them
milk to drink – but we were warned off because the milk at home (in Russia)
is very radio-active and they are taught not to drink it; so, they got lemonade
instead. After the party they visited Phil Coles chicken farm where they saw
the chickens and had a ride behind a tractor. I understand that we may get the
chance to entertain another party of these children later on this year.
Small Boys and Young Ladies wishing to take a train to the seaside should take note that the G.B.R. will be open for rides on Easter Monday, 12th April in the afternoon.
The G.B.R. will also be running on the afternoon of 4th July in support of the Village Scarecrow Event.
THE MOTHERS’ UNION: Wednesday, 28th April, 7.30p.m.
in Keevil Village Hall. Our Children’s Society fund raiser with guest
Mr. John Osborne, author of “Poems of a Farmer” will be there to
entertain us with his observations of rural life! Tickets includes supper.
Everyone is most welcome and we look forward to the pleasure of your company.
Sunday, 11th (Easter) and 18th April – Mrs. Raby-Cox.
Sunday, 25th April - Mrs. Elliott.
We will decorate the Church for Easter on Saturday, 10th April. Please contact me if you need oasis or any more details. (Andie Elliott 828277).
The new flower rota will be posted on the notice board soon – if you would like to join the “Flower Ladies” and do the Church flowers a few times per year, please let me know. - Tel: 828277.
CHURCH CLEANING: April – Mrs. M. Jones.
Our Friendship Lunch was a great success. Well done again to our team of most
excellent chefs, who created a selection of super soups to warm and cheer us
on a winter’s day.
Special thanks to Bob Webb for his efforts in selling tickets and manning the raffle, also Liz and Gill for the delicious home-made cookies, and to everyone who donated raffle prizes.
Everyone left feeling full and happy and helped us to raise a wonderful £136 towards the Church Social Fund which, hopefully, will in turn raise hundreds more over the Scarecrow Weekend on 3rd-4th July. Again many thanks for your support and generosity.
I have happy memories of last year’s Workshop when we had 19 instrumentalists
to play “Lord of the Dance”. That was a record, so lets see if we
can get near to it this year. Children and parents/helpers please bring your
instruments. We will play Lord of the Dance again as it is so right for this
occasion. If you would like the music before hand, please get in touch.
The HOUSE Group: will meet on Tuesday, 4th April and Tuesday, 20th April at 7.30p.m. See Lamplight for the venue or contact either Rupert James on 828639 or Liz Futter on 828485.
The AGM takes place on Thursday, 22nd April in the Pavilion at 8.00p.m. It would
be most appreciated if all volunteers could attend this meeting. There are the
requirements of an AGM to enable the Scheme to continue, but it is also the
opportunity to bring all volunteers up to date on Link Scheme matters and any
applicable to themselves. Users of the Scheme are welcome to attend.
Please come along if you feel that you have something to offer by becoming a volunteer. Those persons who ask the Scheme for help would certainly thank you for it.
Here are details of the future trips we have planned :
Thursday, 20th May. “Jamaica Inn” Salisbury Playhouse.
Monday, 28th June. “The Venetian Twins”.Watermill, Newbury.
Friday, 23rd July. Fete Champetre. Stourhead.
We have managed to get 20 tickets at the reduced price of £21 (instead of £23 for the Fete Champetre. Booking slips going out to all members at the end of April.
Members who have not yet paid their subs, please contact Christine at the Dial House, tel: 828888. The annual subscription due at the beginning of the year is £4 per head. Happy theatre going!.
The first meeting of the Club took place on 11th March in the Pavilion, when
John Girvan gave a most interesting and talk entitled “House of Correction
1810, Devizes Prison”. For the benefit of all members who did not attend
due to the snow fall that night, please find details of the trips to be made
this year:
Saturday, 8th May. Cardiff Castle (Contact Tony Ewin on (828325).
Saturday, 12th June. Frampton Court & Frampton Manor, Fampton-on- Severn. (Contact Sylvia Ewin 828325)
Sunday, 18th July. Rodmarton Manor, Cirencester. (Contact Tina Yockney 827139).
Thursday , 26th August. Devizes Walk-About. (P.M). Contact Joy Stack 828809.
Saturday, 4th September.Poundbury Village and Wolfeton House, Dorchester. (Contact Joy Stack).Tony Ewin.
The Club’s meeting on the 13th April is the AGM and Social. It has been
the practice for several years to keep the business part of the meeting as short
as possible and then to enjoy food, drink and entertainment. This year this
will be provided by Mr. Jack Stephens who is a member of the Magic Circle and
has entertained amongst others Her Majesty the Queen.
Some Committee Members have been doing the job for many years and are due for a rest, so if any of you are willing to help, please contact Tony Hill before this meeting on 828397.
The young speaker from the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust at our March meeting made us think, with her statement that all rubbish infil sites in Wiltshire would be used up within a very few years. The W.W.T. has a waste minimalization programme aiming (1) to reduce waste (2) to re-use waste and (3) to recycle waste.
There are now Directories giving information on the re-use of items that you no longer need, from electrical goods to furniture, etc. (Phone:01380 725670). Many items can be used in the garden and much can be composted including kitchen waste, cardboard and newspaper. If you need a bin, there is a special bin offer in all sizes from £5 to £15. (Phone:08457300). People with no space, even for bins, are taking part in community composting using sites in churchyards, etc. Maybe we can start one locally.
Chelsea Flower Show. Two tickets for Club members are available for Thursday, 27th May, 2004 at £21 per ticket. If more than two people apply, there will be a ballot. It may be possible to get extra tickets at the public rate.
The tickets for the Wiltshire Gardens Trust visits have arrived. Will those
who put their names down, please pay Roger Allen for them and collect their
The Geraniums for the Club Class at the Flower Show will be available at the
April meeting. Don’t have too much supper before this meeting, as there
will be food and drink available. Do come and enjoy the evening.
Many thanks to those who help set up the hall for meetings and clear away afterwards:
it is much appreciated.
Perennials in profusion – old and new varieties for all seasons.
(Off A342 – opposite Rowdeford School)
Telephone & Fax 01380 723016.
Open Thursday – Sunday 10a.m. – 5p.m. April to end of September
To be held
SUNDAY, 2ND May, 2004 – 1030a.m. – 4.00p.m.
Specialist Nurseries and Gardening Sundries.
Refreshments and teas – Entrance £2.50 (Children Free).
Pumpkin seeds are now available at The Brewery Inn at a cost of 50p. Per seed
for Adults and 25p, for Juniors. The Pumpkin Show will be held on Sunday, 24th
October and all proceeds will be in aid of flowering bulbs for the Village.
Joe Burbidge.
Margaret and Leo Coley, new comers to Seend, and concerned about the welfare of our ace reporter, Henry ‘Scoop’ Shovel, have penned the following verse :
There was a reporter named Shovel,
Who took his free ride on the Shuttle,
He got off at Sells Green,
And has since not been seen,
Can Henry be really in trouble?
Margaret and Leo should have no worries; he is well and thriving on hard work.
In addition to his Spotlight reporting (his photograph was in last month’s
issue) he is still editing his highly successful weekly journal “A thousand
and one recipes for Sago” and he has recently started a sister paper “Stupendous
and Tremendous Feasts from Tapioca.
He is still to be seen regularly striding around the village. Editor.
On Saturday, 24th April, 2004 Melksham Choral Society will be performing the
popular Requiem by the contemporary composer John Rutter. The harp, an instrument
not often heard, plays a prominent part in the orchestral accompaniment. Solo
items on the harp will contribute further to the evening’s programme.
The young soprano soloist will once again be Harriet Armston-Clarke who sang so beautifully with us at Christmas.
Well-known choral classics by Faure, Mendelssohn and Rachmaninov will complete an interesting concert of great contrasts.
Come along and enjoy the evening at the United Church, Melksham at 7.30p.m. Tickets at £7 each are available from members or at the door.
Sunday, 22nd February: 19 walkers met in the car park of the
Hope & Anchor Inn, Midford on a glorious sunny morning. Penny and Ron England
led us from the pub following the line of the old Somerset Coal Canal up through
the wooded area to Southstoke, then back down through the valley to Midford.
A distance of almost 5 miles. Spectacular views could be seen from vantage points
en route. Thanks to Penny for her interesting facts on the history of this area.
Next walk in April will be Sunday, the 25th.
Meet in Rusty Lane 9.30a.m. Depart by cars to Miserden, near Cirencester for
a 5 1/2 miles walk. Bring a picnic lunch. We are hoping to experience a mass
of bluebells!! Terrain: generally fairly flat with two or three hills.Directions
to the starting point will be issued at Rusty Lane. Any further details contact
Gerald on 01225 706451.
Sunday, 16th May: Pam and Derek Chapman will be organising a walk probably in the Luckington area. Depart from Rusty Lane 10.00a.m. Further details is next issue of Spotlight.
We are looking for a part time shop assistant (between 4 and 20 hours).
If you are interested, please phone 01380 828250 or come in to see either Rich
or Mel to discuss which days and what time (or see the ad. On shop door).
Must be 18+, flexible, cheerful and good in communication skills.
100+ CLUB NEWS. Happy New Year!
1st May is “New Year’s Day” for the 100+ Club, with the year
ending on 30th April next year. Current members –all 147 of you –
will be receiving subscription reminders in the post within the next two weeks.
Please complete these as soon as possible and return them to me, together with
a cheque for £10 for each subscription.
For the curious who would like to know more about the 100+ Club and the valuable cash prizes up for grabs each month, call me on 828391 for more information and a subscription form. It will be well worth the small effort required! Trust me – I’m a Grandfather. …
Draw result for February, 2004:
This month’s draw was very kindly conducted by Dave Sawyer on Tuesday,
9th March, following a meeting of the Lye Field Committee. Members of the Committee
obligingly picked out the following lucky winners:
1st Prize - £35. Number 166 - Mr. S.A. Nunn.
2nd Prize – £30. Number 49 - Mr. K. Bottomley.
3rd Prize - £20. Number 74 - Mr. A.E. Alexander.
4th Prize - £15. Number 175 - Mrs. Angela Knocker.
Birthdays: Get Well: Valentines: Retirement: Anniversaries.
Why buy a card when you can send a balloon instead.
Prices from as little as £2.50 per balloon.
Balloon-in-Boxes, personalised and delivered from £10.
Caroline Webb (01380 722579. 07979 692533.
Parties, Christenings, Weddings also Decorated.
A pumpkin fanatic called Joe
Who’s someone that most of you know,
Has brightened our views
With the mixed yellow hues
Of daffodils. Cor! What a show!.
3 Bed Town House, fully furnished, sleeps 7, to let in San Pedro
del Pinatar, Costa Calida (Costa Blanca) on Mar Menor, the warmest waters in
the Mediterranean. Very close to sandy
beaches and golf courses.
Cheap flights to Murcia (San Javier) Airport (10 mins from
house) and Alicante (50 mins).
Phone 01380 828764. Web site
Lynne & Roger Ames, 17 Seend Cleeve. 828764.
Our second version of the Pinocchio story (the first was in 1986) turned out
to be a gala silver jubilee occasion. The show was possibly one of our best
yet, and the audiences on all three nights were great, joining in the fun at
every possible opportunity. Thanks for your support – not just for this
panto, but also for all the previous twenty-four.
We are probably going to spend some of the proceeds on ourselves, buying some much needed special effects equipment to save hiring fees every year, but there will still be some left over to give away.
There are still a few tickets left to see Greg Hicks (winner of the Critics’
Circle Best Shakespearean Performance award for his brilliant portrayal of Corialanus
last year) and Sian Thomas in a matinee of ‘Macbeth’ (or the Scottish
Play if you’re superstitious) at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre on Saturday,
22nd May.
Tickets (row D and E of the stalls) cost £30. The cost of the Shuttle
is usually around £7 return.
We leave Seend at about 9.30a.m., arriving in Stratford with plenty of time
for lunch, and are home again by 7.30 – 8.00p.m. in time to do whatever
you usually do on a Saturday evening. Interested? Then ring Tessa on 828617.
The best seats are being allocated in the order that the cheques come in, so
don’t delay!
If you are new to the Village and haven’t yet received a ‘Welcome’
booklet, or if you are about to have new neighbours who should have one, please
ring Tessa on 828617.
‘At the Drop of a Hippopotamus‘ - a selection of Flanders and Swann
songs – turned out to be another thoroughly enjoyable evening of quality
entertainment. Nostalgia ruled, and it was quite remarkable that everyone in
the Pavilion knew the words of Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud and joined in with gusto!
After handing over the 80% of ticket sales to RAW as required our 20%, plus
what was made on the raffle and refreshments, added up to around £120
towards the upkeep of the Pavilion and Lye Field. Many thanks to those who helped
by moving furniture, serving teas and selling
Raffle tickets!
All the artistes that have performed have so far through this subsidised touring
arts scheme have been of a very high standard. There will be another Rural Arts
Wiltshire event in the village in the autumn, so, watch this space!
THE SEEND SHUTTLE. - Mechanical Checks.
Elizabeth and Jeremy Hawkins are deservedly retiring from the voluntary duties
of carrying out regular weekly checks of the Shuttle’s lights, wind-screen
wipers, etc. from the beginning of April. So far, we haven’t found anyone
to replace them. In case the description of the duties in last month’s
Spotlight made it sound too technical, may we re-assure you that the checks
are only those which most drivers regularly make on their own cars. No specialist
knowledge is needed. If there are two people out there who can spare a little
time each week, please ring Pete Wallis on 828757.
New Posters.
The children at Seend School recently created a wonderful selection of posters
to advertise the Seend Shuttle. With great difficulty, eight posters were eventually
chosen to be reproduced and displayed around the village. Do look for them –and
absorb their message! The eight pupils whose works of art were chosen are: Drew
Barton, Katie Harris, Alfie Kilgour, Molly Hamblin, Hannah Winkworth, Kimberley
Bourlet, Olivia Cole and Leo Springate. Many thanks to them and to all the children
who took part in the project.
Annual General Meeting:
The Seend Community Bus AGM will be held in the Pavilion on Tuesday, 25th May
at 7.45p.m. The Committee would love to see a few other people there, as we
get fed up with talking to each other. If you don’t attend AGMs because
you think you’ll end up on the Committee, we promise that we don’t
bully anyone into doing anything they don’t want to do, so please come
We have two special attractions to encourage you to attend: one is Liz Campbell’s expertly served tea and coffee, the other is a display of the originals of the selected Shuttle posters mentioned above.
Top of Page
SEEND SOCIAL CLUB – Recent News at the Club:
We are delighted to report that our wonderful steward, John (Bj) Tilley, is
now on the mend and is back behind the pumps – the few weeks we had without
him made us realise how much he does. We really missed you Bj – great
to have you back.
A fantastic evening of hard fought skittles saw Jumbo Harding pip Sammy Sainsbury in the men’s singles. In a very close ladies final June Willis triumphed over Caroline Welfare with a 15 spare on her last throw. Congratulations to the winners and runners up and thanks to all who turned out to make it such a great evening.
There are lots of events for everyone coming up at Seend Social Club – get your diaries out now!!
Three a-side Skittles:
We are approaching that time of year when no one’s a gooseberry in these
threesomes! Get a couple of your mates together to form a team as this competition
produces great fun nights and excellent prizes for the finals nights. Big cash
prizes and loads of beer and wine are distributed on the finals night, so book
your place. The competition starts in early May and all teams are guaranteed
at least two matches. Enter your team now by calling Sue Holloway on (01380)
828133, Ray Willis on 01225 708811 or email June Willis –
Team entry fee is £6.
If you’re not in – you can’t win!!!
Seend’s 4th Beer Festival – Saturday, 1st May.
Last year’s sell out, we are promised a fantastic range of 20 beers plus
ciders with entertainment during the day and evening including the Outhouse
Critics, the Hedge Monkeys and a quiet area for those who like a more peaceful
Well behaved children are welcome during the day as long as they are accompanied by a responsible adult (the responsible bit might be a little tricky!!).
Come along and take part in a fantastic day – entry £4 which includes free festival glass, first drink and programme. Club bar will be open for soft drinks and for other alcoholic beverages. Club Members get extra drink free!.
Show Night – The 80s Experience – Saturday, 15th May.
Claiming to be the ultimate tribute show, The 80’s Experience, bringing
you all that was the best from this great musical era. Recreating the best number
1 hits of the 1980’s including the songs of Wham, Duran Duran, Culture
Club, Human League, Adam and the Ants, Madonna, Frankie goes to Hollywood and
many, many more. Show also includes a comedy impressionist Paul Allen and singer
Sarah Eden-Winn, claiming to be ’simply the best’ Tickets available
from Sam Sainsbury 828157. Members £10, non members £12.
Club Dinner Dance –Saturday, 19th June.
Make a diary note for this year’s celebration of ’sporting achievement’
and a recognition of those who have made a difference to our Club over the year.
Club ’Cat & Mouse’ provide the entertainment – well unless
you call the Chairman’s joke entertainment!! Come along and share a meal
and a glass or two with friends. Tickets are £10 and will be available
shortly from Seend Social Club 828796 and Richard Todhunter 828730.
Charity Dance – Saturday, 16th October.
Dance the night away to firm favourites of the Club ’Get This’.
Tickets will be available from Ray Willis (O1225 708811).
New Year’s Eve, 2004 at Seend Social Club – Get ready to
After the fantastic response we received from those who parties this New Year
in, arrangements are already in place for New Year’s Eve, 2004.
Seend Social Club AGM.
At the AGM of the Club held on Monday evening, 15th March, a large attendance
of members listened to a presentation of the future plans and prospects for
the Club. After a lengthy period of questions and answers an overwhelming majority
of members voted in favour of the proposal that the Committee should pursue
such actions as will lead to the Club achieving CHARITABLE STATUS and becoming